River Hawk EDC hawkbill, New River Knife Works exclusive!

Good morning, gang. I got in a couple of special River Hawks and wanted to give David's followers first crack before I post on our website. David made these up in MagnaCut. One has Red Palm scales, the other is Zebra Wood. Regular price is $260, but David and I both agree to offer his regular followers a special price on these if grabbed before I post on my website. Just reply here, and you can grab one for $235, shipped. These feel great in hand, and have a bit thicker stock than the regular River Hawks. They'll be amazing. Merry Christmas!

Red Palm

Zebra Wood
So #12 arrived at my humble abode around the new year, and has since been making itself useful in a number of ways.

Very handy little around-the-house blade, thanks for making it.