Review Ruike Jager fixed blade Model F118-B

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The fact that it has swedish sandvick steel says that you may be right about it being imported into china. one way to really know would be to test a blade for chem makeup. I may buy one and do that.
Now that would be good. Lets put some funds to buy a couple china knives. Ruike, kizer, some steel will knives and see if the metal being used is really what they are claiming. It could be there least expensive ones.
I would hope these companies are testing their steel when they receive the knives. But when profits are the bottom line qc tends to go away. The fact that the Rc test came back on the money is a good sign though.
Thanks guys, I understand the hole thing, but I never took that to be of key interest to me, but I did email Ruike about this to make sure they understand the import and see what they say about it.

And that made me wonder about this Lionsteel KUR folder I had, only recently sold her so I could buy another, always a burden but they keep making such nice knives :) But check out this folder as the guard has a hole in it as well and how that can be useful I have no idea unless in dire circumstances you had to fasten your folder to make a spear? but yikes!

Untitled by GaryWGraley, on Flickr

Even if i paid full price for this knife i just can't see where they would skip qc. In fact the opposite is what i found with this one. I had a kizer vanguard sovereign folder. I opened it and could see why that one was priced how it was. It was vg10 steel and thats japanese but china knife.
In this day and age it is harder to pass off bad steel since it is so easy to verify. So I would think that there would be no issue.
Just picked one up. Only thing I can compare it to is my Esee 4 stainless & it's just an initial comparison.
1) Ergos -> Jager. (Esee 4 handle isn't quite long enough or as comfortable. I want not to be forced to use a finger choil to get a full grip on a handle.)
2) Blade Material -> Jager (...not that 14c28n is < or > 440c, it's the $ vs. what you get.)
3) Warranty -> N/A (Esee doesn't warranty their stainless like their 1095 & I don't have any experience with either ones' warranty, so there's that.)
4) Quality -> draw (I don't count uneven bevels that are only +/-.005". I've had that with about 98% of all my knives. Easy fix or nah.)
5) Sheath -> draw? (ABS vs Esee injected mystery plastic. Maybe Esee plastic wins over ABS & maybe cuz of the $ it doesn't. What do I know? That Jager turning clip is pretty neat though.)
6) Price for what you get -> Jager. (For almost twice the price with the Esee, you do not get twice the knife. If you think made in the USA is worth almost twice the price, this section will go to Esee & this review is null & void.)

Great review! Thanks.

I received my Ruike Jager 118 yesterday and couldn't be happier. I was disappointed in my recent Morakniv Garberg acquisition and this Ruike feels and handles better for me in every way. It arrived hair popping sharp and balances perfectly at the index finger indent on the handle. Great sheath and fits like an extension of my medium-large hand. The packaging, fit and finish are outstanding. More like what I'd expect from a much higher end knife.

There are some great reviews on YouTube that really test this little knife and it comes through impressively with flying colors:

Something of interest to note: As I was doing research I noticed that the Boker Plus Generalist looks and specs out very similar to the Ruike right down to the talon hole. The Boker claims MoVa steel and sells for twice the price ($139-$150).

At any rate, I'm sold on this knife as a lightweight camp/backpack/utility knife that punches above its weight.
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I may be "late" to the F118 Party but thanks for the detailed review!

I already have a Ruike F815 (as my kayak knife) and am looking at the F118 as an EDC / light camp knife. My concern is the handle size - the F815 is one small side for me (I wear XL gloves).
I've put together an overlay - the F118 has the same handle length as the F815... Although the F118 does seem "bigger" - but without handling it, I can't tell (looking to buy online).

Might just bite the bullet and return it if it is too small for me. Either way, for ~ $70USD it looks the goods!

Cheers from DownUnder!
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