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Severtech update

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Sorry to report fellas it will be a few more weeks till delivery time. :( Parts are being duburred and bead blasted then will be sent to the anodizer before assembly begins. Aaron sends his apologies. (Just between us guys, he works too much.)
I don't know if there are an open spots, but I'm definitely "INTERESTED" in being added to your LONG list of buyers. I have $$$ in hand and very serious. Thanks for your efforts and let me know the particulars wehn they become available.

:( I'm gonna have to back out...getting an OTF instead. Sorry Severtecher!
severtecher said:
As of today parts are in production. Some are promised to buyers on Aarons list. After that we might be able to get a deal on 10 or more. I'm guessing a few weeks.
The website is under review and should be back up in the future.

Glad to see Severtech lives !. I'm a Fan !!!
jetman said:
severtecher.... pencil me in for the one "tntsl" cancelled on.. Thanks !

I'd like to sign on as a contingency buyer as well. I just sold my "lefty", and realize that a person just shouldn't be Severtech-less. It is painful.
So if anybody has to drop out of the list for any reason, please put my name on the list in their place (if, when, and where appropriate). That person will then be first on my list to notify If I am ever forced to put the knife on the market.

What I really want is a Spartan though, and will be willing to re-fi my house if one becomes available...
JWBirch, being the proud recipient of the Lefty that you just sold me, I already know what you mean. I don't ever want to be without this knife. I am considering selling almost any of my Daltons (except my left handed Warcoms) and any of my OTFs (except the Sand Sharks) because beside this Severtech, they all pale by comparison. What a knife! I have my name on Aaron's list for two more lefty's as soon as they become avaliable but the bad news is he told me it could be up to a year before we see any more left handed models.

Thanks again and I hope you get a righty soon,

Mike Steen
jmikesteen said:
I have my name on Aaron's list for two more lefty's as soon as they become avaliable but the bad news is he told me it could be up to a year before we see any more left handed models.

that's a bummer. seems like they are worth the wait though. Is Aaron's list something different than this thread? I would like to purchase two lefty's as soon as possible.
neonfury, Aarons list and this thread are quagmired together. I will call him Wednesday for an update. I have Thurs. and Fri. off so I can go pick some up if they're done.
Well I hope it will not be a year for the lefties. I could look at buying two also if it helps the delivery time.

Thanks for the work on this Severtecher

severtecher said:
neonfury, Aarons list and this thread are quagmired together. I will call him Wednesday for an update. I have Thurs. and Fri. off so I can go pick some up if they're done.

thank you for your efforts severtecher!!

I will buy one too if you have any left to sell when the time comes. Don't care what color or blade type. I'll even buy the used camo one if it's still there. I've bought a Severtech from you before (a nice blue one). Just got back from Iraq where it held up nicely. No problems with customs for those that warned me--just put it in the belly of the plane in my seabag--all legal.

Sumo (Tom)
P.S. The Severtech had no problems in the sand. Used it in a sandstorm and dropped it in the sand a couple times. Got gritty but worked itself out.
Good to see you back safely Tom. How did your "sandmates" like that Severtech? Kevin
Thanks Kevin. Everyone loved it. Quite a few guys were issued Benchmade autos, but everyone wanted a Severtech once they saw mine. I gave my only other Severtech away to one of my old Marine buddies who I ran into after 13 years. I'm heading back in February for longer and need to get another Severtech before I go. Got to have one by my side, and one to come home to! One of the things I missed over there was reading you guys shoot the breeze on Blade Forums.

Real short notice I know but if anyone besides Mikjk or Idshawn wants a blue handle let me know ASAP. The knives are going to the anodizer today or tomorrow. Whoopeee! :D Kev
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