SOG Seal XR Flipper G.O.A.T.?

SOG is starting to come back. They've been putting out some excellent work lately. Might want to take another look at them! I agree they went through a bad time and put other e some junk, but I think that particular dark cloud has passed... Especially with the XR line
well least were, until GSM bought it......
Jbmonkey is right, I recently called cold steel with a question and gsm takes their calls, long wait times and the person did not seem like they knew about knives.
I was just reading about these beasts... While it's too large to be an EDC for me: it sure looks tough enough for anything that I'd want to do with it. (Flipper tab excluded...)
If you never break one: Customer Service might not ever be an issue. How many of us break knives on a regular basis anyway?
does that affect the locking mechanism? Honestly It doesn't look half bad, I wouldn't be surprised if some people might mod there's to be flipper-less.
On the other hand yeah sucks that it broke like that, could be a week spot plus harder steel dropped at just the right angle. Good news is there's two more fully ambidextrous ways to open and close it.
good question...sorry I missed it earlier. doesn't appear so, here's why. I snapped some youtube disassembly pics that should be pretty clear on why it left on video if ya want to watch it.....luvthemknives....I dont know this fella I just clicked on his video and saw he had a good clear view of what's going on I borrowed some screen shots from him......

doesn't appear it has any action on the stop pin or the lock engage points. now its not my knife so im not sure being gone it doesn't have some issue in movement.....I wouldn't think so, but until I played with it.....I dont really know...but from disassembly pics sure doesn't look like it.
I have a S.O.G Seal XR Flipper NIB listed in the exchange if anyone is interested. It's only $145 shipped.
I picked mine up sometime last fall, I love this knife...its my primary edc, well that's not true. I guess its my secondary. (a SAK is always on me, and I have a few harder use blades I rotate, but the SEAL XR is the best one by far.)

Funny thing about this knife is within the first 15 or so minutes i had it, I was sure I was returning it. I was pretty disappointed as it seemed too fat and heavy, and the jimping bothered me. It was maybe the next day where I had the thought that it was over sized and over jimped for use with gloved I put on some gloves to see and was impressed, no fumbling what so ever. Seemed like it was designed for use with mechanix gloves or something similar, which makes sense if its aimed for military use...or any hard work for that matter. I warmed up to it, and honestly the jimping ceased to bother my fingers shortly after. Now I find it very comfortable. I only wish they had also made a tanto folding version like the fixed blade model...I assume they will at some point.
Still listed along with a new color


Thank goodness! I've been procrastinating getting one of these, good to hear they are still in production.