The CrafsMan SteadyCraftin

My knifemaking career is complete, I've been in a Crafsman and a Cajun Craftastrophe video:) The kids were pretty excited when they saw that this morning.

I found out when I got an email this morning about the Newsletter, they said they saw me in a Crafsman video, I thought to myself in Crafsmandalorian "Do whut? Wait a minute, Naww baby that cain't be!"

With that we may have a new addition to the sub, welcome B BDASPNY if he pops his in here.

@Rupestris I didn't catch Crafson but am usually distracted if I'm watching YouTube vids in the shop, I did see his kitbash towards the end. That video was a good one and the technical upgrades he's got going on is pretty sharp.
Yup I’m here. When I have time I’ll pop on to get a good look around. 😎
Yup I’m here. When I have time I’ll pop on to get a good look around. 😎
Hey good to see you, the subforum is a bit of a rabbit hole. Feel free to post wherever you like. We end up chatting in most of the threads. There's one called "Purple, Because Ice Cream Has No Bones" for anything random you want to post, (to include pepper content ;) ). It's a pretty good crew in here.