The Puukko

Have you found your Puukko to be a quality build knife ??? Are you satisfied with the Birch Bark handle ??? Your Jarvenpaa is a very nice looking knife my friend .

Thank you. I am very please with my puukko. I agree, it is very attractive. My experience has been that the function is equal to the form. It is very comfortable in the hand, the bronze not only adds balance and heft it give a solid feel in the hand. The simple geometry and grind also add to the comfort of use for me. I have no regrets in this purchase for sure.

I carried and used the malanika malanika maaseppänpuukko all day on the farm sheathed in its not-so-new-anymore leather by SwissHeritageCo SwissHeritageCo . What a perfect rig! So much cutting and it's still sharp as a razor.

The horses are fed and watered, the paddock is cleaned, the barn door is repaired, the lumber is stacked, and now it is time to enjoy this Belgian trippel by Bosteels as the sun sets completely.


I carried and used the malanika malanika maaseppänpuukko all day on the farm sheathed in its not-so-new-anymore leather by SwissHeritageCo SwissHeritageCo . What a perfect rig! So much cutting and it's still sharp as a razor.

The horses are fed and watered, the paddock is cleaned, the barn door is repaired, the lumber is stacked, and now it is time to enjoy this Belgian trippel by Bosteels as the sun sets completely.



Your life sounds fun. Thirsty work, but fun ;)

It's hard to beat the sheer utility of a maaseppänpuukko.
I've just stumbled across this knife maker and found his website. Can you share any more details - how do you like it, what are the ranges of his customs, etc.?


FINNISH HANDMADE CUSTOM KNIVES - All Heiskanen knives are designed and handcrafted by me, Mikko Heiskanen. I was born in 1980 to a Finnish family with long heritage of craftsmanship. My ambition is to create Scandinavian style unique and timeless knives with high quality. All of my blades are hand-forged, quenched and tempered respecting traditional Finnish knife making methods.

He is young, very talented, creates knives of beautiful fit and finish, in classic styles and with his own interpretations. AND - he is prolific and accessible with affordable products (as customs go). I can't link to his web site (per BF rules) but if you do the google you will find him and see his offerings. I can recommend unequivocally. If you fail to find him send me a PM and I will provide a link.


FINNISH HANDMADE CUSTOM KNIVES - All Heiskanen knives are designed and handcrafted by me, Mikko Heiskanen. I was born in 1980 to a Finnish family with long heritage of craftsmanship. My ambition is to create Scandinavian style unique and timeless knives with high quality. All of my blades are hand-forged, quenched and tempered respecting traditional Finnish knife making methods.

He is young, very talented, creates knives of beautiful fit and finish, in classic styles and with his own interpretations. AND - he is prolific and accessible with affordable products (as customs go). I can't link to his web site (per BF rules) but if you do the google you will find him and see his offerings. I can recommend unequivocally. If you fail to find him send me a PM and I will provide a link.
Well I be darnest. He lives not too far from me and his grandfather lived in the small village that I frequent especially in the summer time. Very idyllic place with dam and nice cafe there and little museum of the steel works that used to be there.
Couple of old ones from Iisakki Järvenpää ~

The red one from the 1950s and the "eggplant" colored handle one from the 30s.

AND a Sámi made - likely from the 70s ~ Sámi Reindeer Niibas Knife
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FINNISH HANDMADE CUSTOM KNIVES - All Heiskanen knives are designed and handcrafted by me, Mikko Heiskanen. I was born in 1980 to a Finnish family with long heritage of craftsmanship. My ambition is to create Scandinavian style unique and timeless knives with high quality. All of my blades are hand-forged, quenched and tempered respecting traditional Finnish knife making methods.

He is young, very talented, creates knives of beautiful fit and finish, in classic styles and with his own interpretations. AND - he is prolific and accessible with affordable products (as customs go). I can't link to his web site (per BF rules) but if you do the google you will find him and see his offerings. I can recommend unequivocally. If you fail to find him send me a PM and I will provide a link.
Thank you. I found the website but it was devoid of any prices, at least that I could see. I reached out to him by his website contact page and am awaiting a reply. Thanks!