Off Topic The Snark Thread

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My wonderful lil envelope opener!

Amazing chop. Looks better in full screen mode:

yeah bravo.. i just had that out the other day, and remembered how i just used the excess scale wood to glue the rod to wood.. shoddy but it was a paas around knife and didnt want to break into a thick stock to waste on firesteel in case the whole mess caught on fire during the pass

not sure im sold on the old school kephart it may need some tweaking but over all decent design..
ahh the tin tin, yeah people were really taken by that little sucker.. is yours made out of band steel or 01??

funny i found like 30 profiles of the Tin Tin in 01 the other day when going through my stuff, along with a bunch of Creekster and Trekker profiles.... got my juices going for sure
BCK When you get one of those profiles finished up, lemme know! I been wanting one of the creeksters, for a WHILE!

Actually, scratch that, EITHER of those knives!
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bear no problem, im well enough physically now maybe not mentally but im getting there..

i was just fondling that BK5 you sold me many moons ago....

at Skiatook lake now for 5 days...forgot to bring a becker..... Blasphemy

have my marbles chete in back of truck though worked that sucker out hard today doing some landscape, removed 2 huge bushes,hitting down in the dirt at massive roots chopped at least a couple 6 and 7" diameter stumps almost had a heat stroke hottest day of the year here, 100f
was trying to find Alone Seasons 2 and 3 online to watch, but apparently they're behind a pay-gate, that's lame...

Season 4 is current free on history channel dot com it seems - new format, losing their way?
What? No deep fried pickled tripe?

I actually like tripe but I have never tried pickled tripe. Nothing cures a hangover like a big bowl of menudo. :D
true but fortunately for me i dont have those problems anymore...

Ive eaten plenty of it just not something i can see myself preparing.. not a big innards fan i guess especially when i know what it is.. was eating a delicious piece of meat once til i found out it was cows tongue...
Nice bravo! I love some pho too! Regardless of tripe or no tripe there is no denying the fact that pho has some of the best clear broth this world has ever seen. I like all types of Asian food and the French influenced foods of Southeast Asia are amazing! Banh mi and pho! Yum!!!!!!
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