Off Topic The Snark Thread

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was trying to find Alone Seasons 2 and 3 online to watch, but apparently they're behind a pay-gate, that's lame...

Season 4 is current free on history channel dot com it seems - new format, losing their way?

Definitely not the same as the first three seasons. When I first heard about the change, I thought it would be terrible. It hasn't been that, but it's not the ALONE I had come to love. It's more of just another survival show/contest now. I'm still watching.



Neat old cook book :thumbsup: but most of the recipes shown don't sound good to me :eek:
Definitely not the same as the first three seasons. When I first heard about the change, I thought it would be terrible. It hasn't been that, but it's not the ALONE I had come to love. It's more of just another survival show/contest now. I'm still watching.[/
The other seasons were better but I'm still watching to. I couldn't believe that Duck walking right in to their camp at night like that .
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The other seasons were better but I'm still watching to. I couldn't believe that Duck walking right in to their camp at night like that .

That was insane and caused much discussion here.

What kind of duck walks up to a fire? Did it smell fresh fish and figure, "Hey, dinner's over there!"

And I can't believe he managed to kill it...with his hat.
That was insane and caused much discussion here.

What kind of duck walks up to a fire? Did it smell fresh fish and figure, "Hey, dinner's over there!"

And I can't believe he managed to kill it...with his hat.
That was unreal for sure
with the whole photobucket debacle i wonder if forums will make it easier to send photos from cell.. direct format and not a link
smoked tongue is delicious.
tripe & filtration organs, not so much.
smoked tongue is delicious.
tripe & filtration organs, not so much.
Tongue almost always smells so good as does liver when cooking . It's the texture I can't get past . The tongue ,tripe and the filtration organs :thumbsdown: Hahaha
lingua, (tongue) is long as i dont know what im eating... ive eaten it all i guess at one time or another, but its not something id go out and buy and say, man i cant wait to smoke or grill this bad boy...

my stepdad used to eat cow brains and all that jazz, major turn off for me and i will eat about anything...
cool.. i cant even log into my photo bucket account been about 3yrs since ive used it, im curious to whats alk on there.. family photos etc, Epson pulled this nonesense years ago and i lost all kinds of memories...
Sweet! Should serve you well.
I've yet to consider one at the required funds. Always on the look out though!
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