There is always room for improvement! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼

Hope everyone is have a good weekend!

Not flying entirely solo on my new shift so handstand training is now scheduled for before work. Assuming I can drag my constantly tired as sh!t fat @ss out of bed early enough.

Dropped the volume down to just 3 handstands within 30 minutes everyday and added more stretching.

I owe, I owe, it's back to the salt mines I go...
Did 1 mile on the treadmill
225x10 for 4 sets military press
25 lbs Dumbbell shoulder raises (20 for 3 sets)
225 lbs bent over rows 4 sets of 15
200x 15 high pulls for 3 sets
Mow the lawn x 1 set
Run with dogs x 1mile
Watching kids play outside šŸ˜Ž
Just reading this made me so exhausted I had to drink a beer to cool down. Only 12 ounce curls for me today šŸŗšŸ’ŖšŸ»
had me a shred today it was wet af
You over in van isl ??
Coworker told me to Google ā€œHobby Horsingā€. I was a little concerned about what that might do to my Search history.

I suppose exercise, is exercise, right?

Maybe they can try for Nike sponsorship, and one of those ā€œJust Do Itā€ ads šŸ˜…

This can't be real... right?
Who here is into cold plunge/ice bath therapy?

I've started with cold showers, 3 min as cold as it will go at the end of a regular shower. My shower only goes down to 59 degrees, so not really cold. Wondering if I want to go to an ice bath.
Hey welcome back Tony. Iā€™ve been doing plunges in about a 50 degree tub, itā€™s pretty cold circulating around you at that temp. Feels good after though.
Manā€¦.I ballooned up something awful, end of last year at the doctors office. (Iā€™m still convinced the scale was wrong, but fully clothed, full pockets) I tipped the scales at 324. Now Iā€™m down to 274, in the nude.

Found these new things called vegetables. Only drink Liqour, no beer. One of these days im
Going to get my shop up and will stock it with all the gym equipment I have in storage. (Edited to add, Hurricane Ida blew down my detached garage that had everything in it, but since itā€™s all been in storage).

Working on it.
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