What to carry when a knife is prohibited?

There are usually more criminals at a courthouse than anywhere else, except maybe a jail.

How about a cane?
Finally, a right answer!

Once in a while, you have to go down to the court house. Jury duty, testify for something, whatever. A few years ago, I had to give testimony at a criminal trial as to what I witnessed. No biggie, just leave the knife and gun home or in the car trunk for the day. What are you going to need a knife for in a court house full of county sheriff deputies, local police for? Sometimes in our life we have to act like a grown up, and play by societies rules and laws. or when traveling by plane. we can't waltz through security with our toys.

But I feel well protected by 3 feet of Irish blackthorn or American hornbeam, or my sanded and stained hickory stock cane, backed up with my AA mini mag light in my pocket. If there happened to be a Zebra 701 in my shirt pocket all the better. I've flown all over with that set up and I'm still here. I've yet to have to skin anything or build a shelter in an airport or court house. I've went without my knife and gun lots of times with no ill effects on my well being. But I never go unarmed.

The knife obsession gets ridiculous after a while. Yes, you can have the "If I can't carry my knife there, I ain't going there." attitude. But you won't be flying anywhere, or doing your civic duty if you witness a crime, or just living your life to the fullest. All over an obsession over an inanimate object that is not needed sometimes everyday for days. It's hard for me grasp, that someone would deny themselves an educational or other experience of a lifetime because they can't take their knife with them? At that point, it has got out of hand. If you deny yourself a fishing trip to Key West, or a trip to London to browse the halls of the British museum, or Paris to see the art in the Louve, or the cutlery museum in Solingen, Germany, all because you can't take a knife with you, then at that point your obsession has taken over your life and you need professional help. If you're really worried about flying, book your flights on El Al airlines. The Israelis have't lost a plane to highjacks in a very very long time.

Go enjoy life.
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There are usually more criminals at a courthouse than anywhere else, except maybe a jail.

How about a cane?
To get into the one here I first have to get through the metal detector run by guys with guns... If I'm going to any other county office or the DMV it's a non issue.

There is at least one bad actor out there that I share a name and birthday with, which has already caused me enough trouble with the local smokies to push my luck.
Finally, a right answer!

Once in a while, you have to go down to the court house. Jury duty, testify for something, whatever. A few years ago, I had to give testimony at a criminal trial as to what I witnessed. No biggie, just leave the knife and gun home or in the car trunk for the day. What are you going to need a knife for in a court house full of county sheriff deputies, local police for? Sometimes in our life we have to act like a grown up, and play by societies rules and laws. or when traveling by plane. we can't waltz through security with our toys.

But I feel well protected by 3 feet of Irish blackthorn or American hornbeam, or my sanded and stained hickory stock cane, backed up with my AA mini mag light in my pocket. If there happened to be a Zebra 701 in my shirt pocket all the better. I've flown all over with that set up and I'm still here. I've yet to have to skin anything or build a shelter in an airport or court house. I've went without my knife and gun lots of times with no ill effects on my well being. But I never go unarmed.

The knife obsession gets ridiculous after a while. Yes, you can have the "If I can't carry my knife there, I ain't going there." attitude. But you won't be flying anywhere, or doing your civic duty if you witness a crime, or just living your life to the fullest. All over an obsession over an inanimate object that is not needed sometimes everyday for days. It's hard for me grasp, that someone would deny themselves an educational or other experience of a lifetime because they can't take their knife with them? At that point, it has got out of hand. If you deny yourself a fishing trip to Key West, or a trip to London to browse the halls of the British museum, or Paris to see the art in the Louve, or the cutlery museum in Solingen, Germany, all because you can't take a knife with you, then at that point your obsession has taken over your life and you need professional help. If you're really worried about flying, book your flights on El Al airlines. The Israelis have't lost a plane to highjacks in a very very long time.

Go enjoy life.
There would be something in that courthouse you could pick up and swing if aliens attack.

These kids and their reliance on technology.
I will carry a metal (non-tactical) pen if I absolutely can't carry a knife or my CWP. I'll bring my cane if I'm going to a movie, football game,etc where I'll be doing some walking. I don't need a cane yet, but I bring it anyway.
I can't possibly - foresee a situation where i would have to enter a knife free premesis, last time I was in a courthouse was during divorce proceedings for a family member. It's been ages since I flew. And if it's anywhere it would be to Colorado to see my brother and well, we are better off texting 🤪
So I'd say I'm free to carry
While I agree about not going in "weapon prohibitive" places on business, it is a bit impractical. Like Mr Jacknife, I have taken to mailing ahead an SAK Classic to the hotel when flying and find that has worked out beautifully. I include a return envelope and so far, so good. I also get called for Jury Duty quite regularly. I don't mind serving. Somebody has to do it and I get paid from work anyway so it might as well be me. Sometimes I serve on a jury, sometimes not. I find it all interesting anyway. I do feel like I'm not quite fully dressed and a little exposed by not having a pocket knife, I mean I've carried one since I was 8 years old and I'm 61 now!
A good, strong spine magazine, like a 1970's National Geographic rolled up tight will put a Beat Down on just about anybody. Slash, Chop, Stab......
Fits nice in the hand too.
Can be carried Anywhere.
The milwall brick is definitely an option...

My issue doesn't arise from a concern for my safety, I just hate needing to improvise opening a package.

A lithic core and a small billet to percussion flake a bladelet is another idea, but I'm sure that would attract unwanted attention as well.
The milwall brick is definitely an option...

My issue doesn't arise from a concern for my safety, I just hate needing to improvise opening a package.

A lithic core and a small billet to percussion flake a bladelet is another idea, but I'm sure that would attract unwanted attention as well.

Yeah, that sums up how I feel about it. I'm not really concerned with my safety, as I will have my cane/walking stick with me as well as my AA miniMaglight for close in impact tool. But opening packaging is another whole problem. For enroute while flying, my wallet is always in my back pocket, and in the zip compartment of that wallet is my P-38, and Victorinox Quattro. I took a small jewelers file and slightly sharpened the inside edge of the P-38 so it can be used as a make shift package opener and string cutter. It's been in my wallet for decades and flown to Europe, Key West, and across the continental U.S. with no problems anywhere. I drop my wallet in the tray with keys, change, Cross pen, mini Maglight flashlight. I can only guess that for some reason the few metal objects in my wallet are lost in a general image of clutter. The P-38 has never been a problem.

I've thought about a small flake of obsidian or flint. Not a bad idea, and can open a package.