Bladeforums - Best Bowie 2007

He could have denied that it was his name, Kevin...he stood up. It's good enough for me.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson

Not for me.

IMO, You Joe need to stand up and apologize to some GOOD people here. Having an opinion is one thing. I sure have enough of them. But you went WAY too far.
Agreed to?
How do you figure?
Someone found out.

So, someone found out. I left a bread crumb trail. I'm surprised that I peaked that much interest. But to pontificate. During Vietnam, we used to send snipers out to shoot people in my field to win the hearts and minds of the local population. With that in mind, I'm not the most popular person considering our nation began with such things as the Boston Tea Party. The Sixteenth Amendment didn't change a thing except punish people that act on certain beliefs. That's my world. However, Mrs. Bellicini is employed for a petroleum company for nearly twenty-five years. Today, the price per barrel futures exceeded $100. Naturally, she is not the most popular person in certain circles as well. But, petroleum and heavy tax compliance is why New Mexico is only one of two states operating in the black. So, you can hopefully see why I might be reluctant to hand out a business card on the Internet unless I thought it was important enough. That the opportunity cost would be worth it.
Elvan, those blades are indeed awesome. Now, could you please tell me where Fred found those huge ass 3" diameter pennies that were included in the picture. ;)

They really are even more impressive when you hold them in your hand.