BladeForums W&SS Forum patches are here!

i'm bummed i didn't get any of these patches when i ordered my shirt...:( does anybody have an extra 1 or 2 they might be willing to part with??
If you get a chance, check on mine too - haven't received it yet either

BladeForums W&SS Patch - Knife & Flames (Multicam)

Unique Transaction ID #78111382M3178562U


Still haven't received the order - paypal'd Sept. 28th, ID #78111382M3178562U, One Multicam

Thanks for putting this together Spark :thumbup:
As of right now, I have 10 patch shipments left to go out. I will post your names as soon as the envelopes are done. Caleb, yours shipped this week as stated above. :)

I must be one of those ten. Thanks Spark. :D

My transaction no. 4CG369320T6518802

BladeForums W&SS Patch - Knife & Flames (Multicam)
Item# BFC-WSS-PKFM $5.00 USD 1 $5.00 USD
BladeForums W&SS Patch - Knife & Flames (Color)
Item# BFC-WSS-PKFC $5.00 USD 1 $5.00 USD
Subtotal $10.00 USD
Total $10.00 USD
Payment $10.00 USD

I just ordered (4) multicam BF patches!

Here is the PayPal transaction ID!

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 9YU32674W2466434S



Ordered mine about two weeks ago with nothing yet.

Let's hope they get here soon. :thumbup:
Unique PayPal 9PP96692N6638394G
Multicam Blade and Hatchet Patch

Thanks for doing these for us :D
Hi I ordered back on the 9 Nov Unique Transaction ID #5E236047U80560106

Need postage cost to UK.
