BladeForums W&SS Forum patches are here!

I get the message:

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I'd like to order some of these, is ordering closed for them?
Any chance of these and the t-shirts being available again soon?

Really would like to order a mess of them. 5 patches and 5 shirts...
Hmmm...nothing yet! Ordered on 12/03/10. Spark, are these in stock? Keep us posted when you get a chance! Thanks!
I ordered one of these patches on december 13th and I have never recieved it or had any updates. I am moving to Colorado next week so the address it was supposed to be shipped to will no longer be valid...what should I do? transaction id #75T515314L5648344
G'day there.I received my firsdt order of patches and like them so much I ordwered again. This was on 5-12-2010 and i paid for them via paypal same time.
They no arrive.
could you check for me
Many thanks
Received my order of 2 Multicam Knife and Flame patches today... In a word, they are "Sweet"!!!