Cosmos at the Blade Show?

Images of mega-babes, barely dressed for the kind of parties I don't get invited to, with shiny knives carried in improbable positions and circumstances, are fine for passing around among us boys in chat or e-mail, but for purposes of general image-builidng (i.e. "Real independent women carry knives." or "Knife people are not 'fringe'!") or for purposes of serious advertising ("A product a man would buy for his woman, or a woman would buy for herself"), the image to go with is of a reasonably attractive woman dressed to go to a nice restaurant, or to a respectable office, or on a long nature walk, etcetera, with a knife in a non-violent context.

The Wife (who loves her pearl William Henry) and I talked about this last night. The image we came up with in our heads, for a print ad or web site image was ...

A professional office sort of environment, a good-looking 30-something lady who might play a high-powered lawyer in a TV drama, pearl-grey business suit, silk blouse, serene smile, an orange in her left hand, and a nice folder being thumbed open in her right hand, and a caption ... Empowerment

... and, below that, a close-up of the knife itself, maybe with a bit of spiral-cut orange peel, and the company's contact information.

The Cosmos, as a gentleperson's knife, would fit into this image. So would the Kouji Hara or our hypothetical factory Sliver.

AKTI Member # SA00001

[This message has been edited by James Mattis (edited 05-30-2000).]