CRK Sub-Forum Idea. . .

Why would it have anything to do with CRK staff ? It would be a subforum here on BFC over seen by the Mods that are already there to moderate the exchange. There would be no need for input from CRK but I think we all understand having a sales sub forum with their name on it should indeed be OKed by them before anything went forward and it seems that it has been.

Exactly right. We don't use manufacturer staff in the Exchange. Being a fan-specific forum, we would even be most likely to get reports of scammers.
Looks like Facebook is offering some type of FREE money sending service soon called "Facebook Pay"...hmm, that CRK FB page will be interesting now.

Would STILL love to see BF capitalize on a CRK sub forum!
Well, I've been thinking about this lately and thought I would bump this thread to see if there is still any interest. Personally, I love the idea. I find myself regularly filtering through all of the different areas of the Exchange looking only for CRK's (Trade, Canadian, Production Fixed Blade, Production Folder, even the WTB area). A sub-forum would put CRK's all in one place. A superb idea IMO.
I ONLY look for CRK on the exchange. No other makers are of interest to me. I started a CRK-BST group page on facebook. Its been going great with over 400 members in a short time. But I would still love to have one here. Its long overdue. Please Spark make this happen.....!!!
This request will never happen if it stays in this subforum. You need to put this request in the tech support subforum where Spark will see it.
Just bought a Mnandi from the Exchange.

Eleven pages and this great idea is still floating?

Git 'er done, please Spark!!!
Everyone who posts on the CRK forum should click on the link above started by Corskin and Post a comment. Let's make this happen!
Let's keep this going everyone. If you haven't already, please post in the thread linked below.
A little off topic, some of you guys may want to sneak a peek on the Exchange right now.... ;)