Disgusting - anthrax delivery thru Reno Post Office


Mar 8, 1999
Check any of the news services.

It is not a joke.

I don't know what else to say.

May those who sent it ( deleted ).
Oh yes. Whomever sent that letter, Audrey would REALLY like to meet and take the opportunity to get to know every inch of you for an extra close shave.
"To everything there is a season" and I do believe it's hunting season ( and no bag limit )!

Hope this does not have an effect on HimImp's sales.
We are just back from dinner at the casino. Yangdu things her garlic bread was spiced with antrax and also wants to wear rubber gloves when she opens the mail. This is getting sicker and sicker -- literally.
To significantly reduce overpopulation in the Middle East. The events of the last month have seriously eliminated any simpathy I would have once had for this part of the world. The terrorist, would be terrorist, and those that would harbor and tolerate the scum must go. Live-and-let-live is now forever gone, I hope they are ready for the full consequences of what they have started.

Perhaps the US should consider demonstrating the proper way to deliver anthrax enmass.
Dont get me wrong I am not sticking up for Usama or any of his friends, but I doubt if the current string of anthrax and hoax anthrax postal deliveries are his work. I could be wrong (I usually am) but as well planned as the Sept.11 attacks were it just does not seem like they would waste there time with something that would effect so few people. As sad as this sound This is most likely some of our own people. Like I say I could be wrong and this could be someone from Bin Ladens organization trying to spread panic, Looks like its working:(

I reread my post I made last night after a dozen Heinekens and I see that my spelling is not quite as good as it is in the mornings after no Heinekens.

As I mentioned to Rusty in a personal email -- I'm not concerned for myself, no fear, no panic, (I'm too damned old to be scared). Of course, I'm concerned for the younger folks but just mostly disgusted with a keen desire for revenge of some kind agains the perpetrators whoever they might be and, of course, a determination to do whatever I can to fight the terrorists all over the world. They have to go. And if it comes to the point where I might be able to fight actively I'll sign up again. I might not be able to master all the new fangled stuff in an airplane but I can still punch a keyboard and I know how to get supplies from the warehouse to the field. I ain't dead yet.

Where's the nearest recruiting office????
IIRC, the Reno letter was sent from Maylasia, not the Mid-East. This seems to be a world-wide problem now.

It is true that sending envelopes tainted with anthrax is an inefficient method of killing people. Exposure to the agent through inhalation is much less survivable. However, mailing tainted letters may be an efficient method for disrupting mail systems. There is a reason that the common appellation for this type of activity is “terrorism.” The terror experienced by observers is as much of a goal as the damage caused by the actions themselves.
Thanks, Howard. You make a very good point and one we all need to heed. DON'T LET THE BASTARDS SCARE US!!! I think we need to be alert and vigilant but scared? No way. If we run scared we give the terrorists victory and I, for one, absolutely refuse to do that. I'll be more alert and careful but I'm damned if I'll change my way of life out of fear.
Anthrax is not an easy substance to get ahold of. this stuff was not manufactured in a garage by a want-to-be terrorist. It was produced by someone with major resources. Probably, in Iraq or in the old Soviet Republics. So Yes, Osama and his buddies are almost certainly behind this. It is being delivered in small allotments to increase the terror impact. Now they want us to be afraid to open our mail.

I am way to pissed off to be afraid. I have as much respect and concern for the people behind this as I have for a common roach. No decent person would behave this way, and no decency is deserved by anyone who chooses to behave this way. I'll be happy to push the button - let me know if you need a volunteer.

re: who sent it.

I understand coincidence as well as the next guy. First case, I figured that's all it was. Second case, well maybe the guy brought some in on his clothes (since they were thinking he got it in the woods somehow). After that, I think it is time to call a goat a goat. This close to the 9/11 events and with a bacteria that would require _at least_ a lot of planning to get = some of the same people are involved. Like some of our terrorist experts have said, one of the nightmare scenarios has been for several different groups to start planning and executing strikes together. Bin Laden himself doesn't have to be behind every event and yet it can still be part of a single group of events.

Just one scenario a guy on one of my computer lists mentioned the other day. That Atta guy that lived in FL went to Lebanon and met with an Iraqi spook. We know that happened. What if that guy said, "hey, here's some anthrax in a little glass vial. Take it with you and use it if you can think of some method." Atta comes back to FL and continues his planning for the 9/11 events. That starts going very well. It's all coming together and he realizes how much death and destruction they are going to be able to do. Toward the end, maybe only a week before the big event, he remembers the vial. Too late now. He checked out crop dusters earlier and decided against it. Seems like a waste to not use it though. So he passes it out to a few friends and tells them to mail to some American media outlets. He figures he could have done more with it but heck, those planes are going to do his talking.

It sounds like a possiblity to me.

these letters all stem from one game plan, even if they are mailed from different countries - these guys used to favor letter bombs, so why not bio-letters. We have made much of "attacking terrorists" and "bringing them to justice". Question - Who's definition of "justice"? We are under the impression that there should be lengthy trials, much presentation of evidence, and no death penalties (politically incorrect, y'know). Frankly, I favor brotherhood - invite them to our next Khonvention. Teach them parlor games. Like "This Little Piggie", but KHUKURI STYLE. This little piggie went to market (chop).This little...you get the idea.
Do a similar thing to them that the old raiders done to my great aunt back during the Civil War days!!!!

Strip the bastards naked, sew them up in a well stretched fresh pig skin and tie them to a lone tree, better would be a single pole with no shade, in the hot summer sun!!!!
But after first cutting off their eyelids so that their eyes are permanently open.
And if we wished to prolong the bastards suffering throw a little water on the hide from time to time so that they would be squashed like an over ripe grape over the length of several days instead of just one.
That way they could be fed maggot infested pork when they got hungry.
And televise the proceedings to the whole world.

But there's no doubt that some people would be cryin' out for their release as the above would constitute "Cruel & Unusual Punishment" in their opinion!!!:mad:
Uncle, my local ISP ( Great Basin ) took it's mail server down for updating Friday morning at zerozero dark AM and didn't get it back online for 17+ hours. I suspect more glitches occurred, cause I usually have a half dozen morning messages and not a one this morning. Try resending your private email if you would.
I'm new here, don't carry much clout, haven't established much credibility, etc. I'm going to say this anyways.

I'm thoroughly disappointed in this thread, and more so in Humanity. You'd think we'd seen enough death and blood and revenge, but no. It can never be enough, and I am so thoroughly disgusted with people as a whole for not seeing that it is wrong.

Violence begets violence. What did you think would happen, when the US declared war on a figurehead of anti-American sentiment? My own foresight made only one mistake in this matter - that the Anthrax should be left in a busy subway station, and not delivered by mail. I -knew-, because I listened with my mind, and did not give in to anger.

So, before you go sharpening up your Khukuris, remember that they have been blessed that they should not be drawn in anger. There's something to be learned from that.
Rust -

Your time here has little to do with anything, and your opinion is as welcome as that of any other. This isn't about revenge. Not entirely - it is about removing cancer, and the desire to participate. Cancer is removed by surgery, chemistry, and radiation. I've had two of the three. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely not, but I am alive. You are disappointed with humanity. Humanity neither inspires nor desires approval or disappointment. It has remained as it is through all of its' existence, and even though we strive to improve our lot, the change is almost invisible at times. We in the U.S. have made more strides in the right direction than any other group since civilization began. Are we perfect? Of course not. We're human. Ideals are fine things to use as markers. Failing those ideals is not cause for alarm, because by definition, ideals are set too high for achievement. Perfection is not attainable, but is a worthwile direction of travel.

One other thing - Khukuris are blessed with blood.
I dont agree with Rust and the give peace a chance crowd. But as far as the tying people in trees and cutting off eye lids,feeding them rotten pork etc. Who are you going to find to do all that? Its one thing to write that and another to do it. It would take someone with no soul. As mad as everyone is right now emotions are running high but I hope no one here is capable of such things. Just kill them. no torture no maiming just get rid of them
