Don't feed stray dogs...

I was the third person here when I got here but was told I MIGHT be in the first ten because they are saving spots for other people. WTF?

That just sucks. There is a very very good chance all of those "line cutters/holders" are members here on BF. May their credit cards be denied!

Hang in there Kyle, don't nap to help insure that you need sleep and may do so through out the cold night. Just a little more than 18hrs left.

Thanks for helping out those that can't make it.
No Dave. Didn't catch the names of anyone else and wouldn't recognize anyone other than Dave. In the last half hour 3 more tents have gone up.

No dog. He is probably curled up in front of the fireplace waiting for someone to get home and turn it on.

Temp is low 40s. The rain clouds are keeping some of the ground heat in for the night. Last year it was in the 30s and I didn't prepare well. Much more comfortable in my chateau this year but it is still plenty cold and dark. Hopefully the wind is blocked by the building and doesn't pick up until mid morning as predicted.
If you want to live vicariously through me find some cutting fluid for the CNC mill flood coolant. Or maybe it is knife oil. Anyway, the factory smells like it everywhere and always brings back fond memories when you smell it. The front reception doesn't seem to have that smell but the warehouse floor where the sale is, warranty, and the hallways down by TDubz office and the cubicles all have that aroma of oil or something. Maybe the smell from the EDM cutter going through steel but it doesn't have the smell like after grinding metal. Whatever it is, it is very distinct and whenever you smell it you know there are good things to come as you have just passed in to the hallway to meet Thomas are made it through the door past the lunchroom and will soon have a basket in hand to start grabbing knives to buy!
Gotta love that smell! Smells like Kai spirit... ok that was horrible, I'll just have another for you and think about a better one!
I used to work in a steel plant making heavy duty leaf springs for fire trucks to advance cement mixers to old willys jeeps. It always smelled like burning metal. Between the forming furnaces, fitters furnaces, oil quenchs and my eye turning furnace it was very distinctive and I will never forget that smell. Almost like cooked brakes but a little worse!
This smell isn't that acrid. It isn't exactly oil smell either or at least smells different than the oil when you open a new Kershaw knife. That is why I think it may be the flood coolant. I'm probably totally wrong though. May be knife oil but just over a large diffuse area so smells differer than when you stick your nose on the spine of a knife to smell the knife oil to compare. Not that I've EVER done that! :)
Yea, an obnoxious odor to some but likely perfume to this crowd. I get a little homesick if I smell a feedlot (grew up on a cattle ranch) but my wife just starts gagging. Reminds me of the first time I took her home to meet the folks and she had barely taken one step of the puddle jumper we flew in on and her face scrunched up as she said " Oh my God, what's that HORRIBLE smell?" She turned around and I just had this big silly grin on my face because I knew I was almost home.
Ill drink an extra beer for you Kyle, its Oregon beer! I better go stoke the fire a bit too, the extra beer will make me chilly. Honestly, it sounds like fun. Im going next year... do you think a small RV will fit in line?

Hang in there, you can do it! Did you bring an iPod so you can listen to "eye of the tiger?" If not iDave might have an extra one.
When did the first people get there? Ill be there in the morning, its supposed to be coooooolllld tonight!
Just have the iphone with battery adapter and a large pile of AAs.

I wonder if there are any decent pizza places around here that deliver. "Bring it to the guy who looks like a waling REI commercial"... tough crowd here.. Yes i realize what I look like but I'm warm and dry.
I'm gonna try to go next year! Get us East coasters Together.. Me, SolidOrange and Bad JuJu ...maybe even sticktodrum can come down from NY haha
So anyone else going to speak up? I doubt I'm the only forum goon here in the cold and it is painfully obvious who I am to anyone reading this!
IM kinda bummed I was going to take the day off tomorrow and hit it early morning but am to far behind at work to make it. Probably will go Saturday morning for something to do and to see what its all about and plan on next year.
Wow. I commend you greatly for your effort. I'd surely be willing to keep you company if I were anywhere in the area. I'm no stranger to that kind of camping, without the good preparations you've taken.

Godspeed sir. Stand your ground and don't let those turds cheat you out of your hard earned space.
Craig is the head machinist or whatever his title is. I'd have to check my top secret dossier I keep for the exact title. According to legend, Craig gave ZT the name because they were sitting around trying to come up with a name and Thomas had a shirt that said "Zero Tolerance" (appears to be on fishing shirts from a company in Europe from what I found) on it and Craig pointed at it and went "thats it"

Thomas didn't say hi. Not sire he would even if he recognized me. I think I made him mad in a trade for a prototype I returned to the factory and Thomas I'm sure was trying to get home to his family as I imagine he will be here tomorrow and probably very early. I know the first guy in line gets some special knife. I don't know if Thomas presents it or how that happens or when. He looked to be in a good mood even though prepping for this sale must be insane. So it is good that getting away from here has worked and he is hopefully less stressed all the time. We all miss the guy and the information he gives us but I think you'd have to have a stone cold heart to not be happy that he is less stressed due to getting away from us nut jobs.

I do have a plan though for some things that is partially in motion. I just need an opportunity to talk to Thomas about it but am trying to not be "that guy" all the time and bother him (or S at reception or anyone else) constantly. Apropos but off topic, if there is any topic here as I realize I've kind of hijacked thia forum at the moment, I'm working on getting to Blade this year as I'd like to meet Morrow and some other people. Although I'm worried there will be some hazing, because I'm regularly hijacking the forum and threads and ranting off topic and I'm sure that gets on peoples nerves. Sorry.. my brain just churns constantly and sometimes it just gooeeesssssss.
Oh ya, dont let a bunch of rat bastards cut with out you saying, "hey, thats not nice" or something like that. You should bring a burn pit for a camp fire... Ill bring one next year. Is it still raining there?