Fire Photos


this may be my favorite thread ever.

every new year's eve, we go to a party where we burn all our christmas trees. here's mine going up....

Christmas trees really go up! It's amazing....and a good reason to get it out of the house asap after Christmas.




I've always wanted to see a giant pile of Christmas trees go up at once.

The local bass club used to gather them and sink them in the lake for cover. I'm not sure if they still do but I know a few places where you can see them when the level is down.
I saved our tree to dump in the local lake. Have done that in the family pond in the past.
does making a fire count, I never think to take pictures of the fire itself :( have to start I still use my JK hawk to make help our fire everyday in the winter and process plenty of kindling with jk knives,

wait, foudn one! My son made a fire pit out of bricks I had laying around once so we fileld it with a fire

I need some new pictures ;)
Gee Golly Wiz, I learned how to transfer vids from PB to YT.

Here's a fire vid for y'all.
