Knife Rights Promises A Sharper Future - Join Now!


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2003
Knife Rights needs YOU! I can think of no excuse why every member of this forum doesn't join Knife Rights. You represent the core knife owner and user around which we can build a powerful advocacy group. Please join today at

Since 2010 we have achieved unprecedented success with 31 bills enacted repealing knife bans in 22 states and over 100 cites and towns. Knife Rights has led the charge, getting it done for knife owners in the legislatures and the courts.

Go to to join or dial toll-free: 866-889-6268.
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Doug has my full support with this. We need a voice out there being proactive against those who'd remove these vital tools from our pockets, packs, and kitchens. I strongly suggest that you join up today.
Just sent them a email offering to help out where ever i can. Id grab me a membership if I had the spare cash in a heart beat. But for now maybe i can contribute by doing some leg work for them to get correct information for ohio. Maybe some good deffinitions on what each type of knife truely is under the law.
Hi. Registered and attempted to join when a Web warning popped up re: "'s certificate having expired in february 07. Continue to the site at your own personal risk." When I went to the sight and attempted to contact someone from the organization via email, there was no email address and two individuals had posted their home phone and fax. What's up here. Some very reputable people have backed this organization, but this sure feels rather shady.
I was able to join a couple of days ago. No problems.

"The Right To Keep And Bear Arms does not just apply to firearms." - Gigmaster
Gigmaster, that's something worth repeating. Hope you don't mind me quoting you.

Semper Vigilantus! ("always vigilant": Army Security Agency)

off thread:
I belong to Can anyone tell me how to add it to my signature? :confused::(
Edit: I understand that as a non-paying member, I am non entitled to do so. :)
New Mexico - Criminal Offenses - 30-1-12. Definitions...
B. "deadly weapon" means any... weapon which is capable of
producing death or great bodily harm, including but not
restricted to any types of daggers, brass knuckles,
switchblade knives, bowie knives, poniards, butcher
knives, dirk knives and all such weapons with which
dangerous cuts can be given, or with which dangerous
thrusts can be inflicted, including swordcanes, and any
kind of sharp pointed canes...
- 30-7-2. Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon... consists of
carrying a concealed... deadly weapon anywhere, except in
the following cases [own residence or property; private
automobile or other means of conveyance; official]...
petty misdemeanor.
- 30-7-8. Unlawful possession of switchblades consists of any
person, either manufacturing, causing to be manufactured,
possessing, displaying, offering, selling, lending, giving
away or purchasing any knife which has a blade which opens
automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring
or other device in the handle of the knife, or any knife
having a blade which opens or falls or is ejected into
position by the force of gravity or by any outward or
centrifugal thrust or movement. Whoever commits unlawful
possession of switchblades is guilty of a misdemeanor.

New Mexico Case Law:
- "Jury to determine character of weapon..." (1973)
- "...a butterfly knife was a switchblade..." (1991)

So, there is one case where an idiot had a butterfly knife working in a convinience store. He showed it to a minor who went home and told his parents. Needless to say, the family went to the story and the police was called. Case went to the appeals court.

NOTE: deleted a whole paragraph of misinformation on criminal law in NM.
Culpeper, I'm not sure how your post ended up in this thread on the Knife Rights organization. Perhaps you meant to hit "New Thread" and hit "Post Reply" instead. Mods, I want to reply to Culpeper, though, so that no one gets the wrong idea and does something illegal based upon that wrong idea.

Regulations in NM are exceptions to the statute.

Not in criminal law, they're not.

So, deadly weapons, including switchblades, can be possessed and carried on your property or in a private vehicle.

Not switchblades!

Folks, legal opinions from nonlawyers are often completely incorrect, as is much of Culpeper's post (though I'm sure that he had nothing but the best of intentions in posting). I'm an appellate criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor in NM. NMSA 1978 § 30-7-8 (Unlawful possession of switchblades) could not be more clear:

Unlawful possession of switchblades consists of any person, either manufacturing, causing to be manufactured, possessing, displaying, offering, selling, lending, giving away or purchasing any knife which has a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, or any knife having a blade which opens or falls or is ejected into position by the force of gravity or by any outward or centrifugal thrust or movement.

Whoever commits unlawful possession of switchblades is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.

Switchblades and butterfly knives are flat-out illegal to possess in NM. Private property and "collectors receipts" don't change a thing. The Concealed Handgun Carry Act's licensure procedure changes nothing regarding the carrying of knives. NMAC has nothing to do with criminal prosecutions. There is no "hidden code" that countermands the statutes. Switchblades cannot be legally possessed on private property or in your car - or AT ALL - by anyone in the state of New Mexico.

No offense, Culpeper: we all have our areas of expertise. I sure couldn't give tax information the way that you could!
Which turns out to be precisely what I know about your field, amigo! :D Have a good weekend, neighbor!
No problem. The mods should clean up this thread so that nobody gets the wrong idea about the law in NM. You're right and I was wrong. I would hate for someone to read my first post and not the subsequent replies. Never mind. I deleted my posted misinformation. That should do it for minimal effort to stand corrected:D
i'm in, but i don't get why people blame the left. i've always had the impression that the conservative right creates and maintains stringent regulations on weapons in order to keep lower socio-economic classes and minorities in jail. i mean...just take a look at who actually gets caught and prosecuted for violating anti-weapon laws.
I am glad there is some organization for protecting our rights.

However, I am concerned this organization would not be aggressive enough to lobby and petition the Government. Or challange Laws and Case Laws through out the United States. These are ultimately what are needed in protecting our rights.

Many of our rights are lost because they go unchallanged.
Can anybody tell me when,or if ever anybody was killed or even wounded by an automatic knife..I can find you 100,000 or more(but I won't waste my time)stories of people tore up with a kitchen knife.A kid can buy one at a grocery store.I'd join your Knife Right's Group,If those idoit's at Paypal would ever send me my debit card.I'm sick of Ebay who own's Paypal,not lettin me auction a few thousand dollar E.W.Stone skull knife,cause it has knucks,yet they didn't say a word when I put on A copy of the spiked knuckle knife used in the movie Cobra.The spikes were over an inch long.The knife cost 6 bucks..Wholesale..God Bless everyone in on our side in this 'knifefight'..Here in TX switchblade's are illeagle to,but every other table at a Gun & Knife Show,has about a doz.or so on it.I got 50..Some worth over a grand.If anybody out there in knifeland knows what a Robbie Dalton Ranger OTF is worth.It look's like a Microtech Halo.My ranger has large cut out's in blade.Robbie sure weakened that blade up..Please give me a
A knife is a tool not a weapon. A shovel is a tool as well as a hammer is a tool. Both a shovel and a hammer can kill someone. So can a Coke machine and it is not considered a weapon. I'm not sure how good knife rights is, but I joined to protect our rights to carry a useful tool.
I will join as soon as i get some cash around too, I am a member of the NRA, going on to my 5th year now, and will join now to help protect this right too!
I just sent my membership fee in.

Since I have to go to the gates of hell (new york) I figured I could use some top cover.
Here is a link to a site that will answer anybody`s questions about knife legalities in any state. "Walk softly and carry a big knife"