Lets See your Damascus Kershaw Patterns!

This stuff is phenomenal! Once I get home and have a real camera (not my phone), I'll take some good pics. Let's just say that any thought I had of selling the Skyline at some point probably vanished when I saw the pattern on this one.



This stuff is phenomenal! Once I get home and have a real camera (not my phone), I'll take some good pics. Let's just say that any thought I had of selling the Skyline at some point probably vanished when I saw the pattern on this one.



Very nice patterns. Really like the Leek. Congrats and enjoy.
ugh, this thread is killing me.... waiting impatiently on the new damascus beauty coming out and for mine to show up
Imagine a 0560 in Damascus...

By the way, all my packages came today. Got all my stuff from Dave, and my package from House of Blades. That's 4 Skylines and some other assorted goods. One of these puppies is earmarked for Knotty, so he'll be getting some patterned goodness later this week. I'll do some video for these tonight when I get home. My god these are amazing...
I wish I would of kept a 1760DAM for myself ;)

Yeah, definitely should have! You have the advantage of picking the blade that's most pleasing to you, as well.

As I sit and look at these, I sense that a stainless Leek is going to have to be ordered, now, too.
Just got it today! I have to say this is the sharpest factory edge knife I have ever had!
Raced home from work today only to be disappointed by finding nothing more than some lousy junk mail in my mailbox. My post office sucks.
Quick mod on my Dam Leek. I'm sure someone has done this before.

I'm not big on the smooth handles, but I like the frame lock.........My S30V G10 Leek had seen better says and I like the G10, but I hate the skinny little liner lock.

Well, you light some candles, put on some Miles Davis............and wham, bam, thank you ma'am.

Baby Franken-Leek


Totally in love with the pattern on my Skyline. I know it's luck of the draw, but I couldn't be any happier:


Also, what's up guys? It's been awhile. I've been extremely busy lately, but I'll be back soon. :cool:
That's very pretty! I was expecting to see some orange when I saw you had posted though.
That's very pretty! I was expecting to see some orange when I saw you had posted though.

It was swapped about 5 minutes after that picture was taken. I am planning a heavily orange post for my official "return" when I find the time. ;)
I got mine in; pics to come later.

One thing, the Made in USA area on my blade looks a little faded. Can the text brightness vary from blade to blade?