My 100th Chris Reeve Knife...!!!..........And Counting :-)


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2008
Well, I Finally Did It.....!!! I bought my 100th Chris Reeve Knife......!!!! What started out as a “ just let me try one “ turned out to be what some would call an obsession. I am not the huge collector some are, I just buy the ones I like at a price that I think is reasonable for me. I have owned more One Piece CRK and Regular Sebenzas than any of the others. Sadly, I have far less than half of these as often times multiples were sold to fund others. I have kept track from day one once my collection seemed to be growing. I have a little notebook that has been with me for years that has had the honor of being the keeper of all my CRK deals through the years........I put a list together and made a few comments on each of them. Some I still have and love, others have moved on for others to enjoy. Some I deeply regret selling, others were a little easier. To me, ALL CRK are special. I hold a beautiful Large Regular Damascus in the same league as a Small Plain Jane 21. Why......Because Its A Chris Reeve Knife. It Just Does NOT Get Any Better Than This.....!!!

#1 - Shadow III - The ONE that started it all. I was into the Hollow Handle knife craze of the 80’s like most people. I had the Buckmaster 184, and happened upon CRK in an article. Years later I had a better job and happened upon CRK once again. I figured if I did not like it, I could sell it for close to what I paid for it. Well, I did not only Like it, I Loved it. I still have it to this day. Great little knife that I have done Big things with. One of the best EDC’s I have ever had.

#2 - Tanto I - Shortly after purchasing the Shadow III, I thought I would go to the other side of the size scale. The Tanto I did not disappoint. I can still remember to this day that I could not even wait to get home. I got the package from the post office and pulled off the side of the road at a pull off and opened it I have used it several times to clear shooting lanes by my ground blinds when hunting.

#3 - Pachmayr - This one was quite special and is one of the ones I am sorry I sold. I am not into serrations, so this one was not used, just admired. Definitely one of the rarest CRK I have ever had the privilege of owning.

#4 - Jereboam I - Yet another that I wish I had kept, but at the time I sold it for like $100 more than they cost New on the dealer sites that still had them. It was one that I just did not figure I would end up using much. Definitely miss it.

#5 - Jereboam II - My First CRK Grail. I had seen pics and a nice forum member here on BF directed me to where one was for sale. I paid $525 for it ( HUGE amount for me at the time ). Its a keeper. I have always liked it better than the Jereboam I as the blade was not so bowie shaped and has a shorter clip and I thought the sawteeth were super cool.

#6 - Shadow IV - I love the Shadow Series. To me, this is the Best All Around of the OPK.

#7 - MK VI - Yet another great design. Though I preferred the spearpoint version in the Shadow IV, I thought this was right up there as far as a clip point goes.

#8 - Mountaineer II - Great style which has become a Bushcrafter Favorite.

#9 - Large Regular Sebenza BG-42 - Well, since I loved the CRK OPK so much, I thought I owed it t myself to try his folders. I bought it for $280 off ebay right around Christmas of that year. Was in near mint condition too and just a simple plain jane. I did not know at the time that BG-42 had been discontinued and that soon it would be highly sought after. I carried it for awhile until I came across the newer S30V version. One of my favorites. I started my CRK folder buying with the large regular. It immediately became my favorite and has since become what I judge all others against. To me, it is the finest folding knife ever designed. The only thing that made it better was CGG/UG designs.

#10 - Mnandi Cocobolo / Basketweave Damascus - I happened upon this at a great price. I carried it some and really loved it. One that I do indeed miss. But I had my eye on other CRK’s at the time. This was made way back when Devin Thomas SS Basketweave was NOT the norm and was just a special run. My first experience with DT SS Damascus ( actually damascus of any kind ). I found it was very much like S30V.

#11 - Large Tanto NICA Sebenza - Yet another folder as my collection became bigger. This one had BG-42 and I thought I would try out the tanto blade shape. I carried it some. I later sold it to a forum member who was on the lookout for one.

#12 - Large Regular Sebenza S30V - NCIS - Since I loved the Large BG-42 so much and realized how special it was, I decided to look for one with the current steel; S30V. I found this one and later sent it to CRK for my “famous” NCIS Gibbs Rule #9 “ Always Carry A Knife “ engraving. This one I carried more than any other CRK I believe.

#13 - Small 21 Sebenza - Thought I would try the small sebenza on for size. This one was a different style than I was used to in the regular. I did not warm up to it at the time and sold it off eventually.

#14 - Mnandi Bocote - Upon looking at the Mnandi even more, I started to realize how much I loved Bocote. I picked this one up. Though I always thought it was Desert Ironwood, the BD card did indeed say Bocote. I kept it for quite some time before it got traded to fund a Hinderer xm.

#15 - Mnandi Jigged Madagascar Rosewood - This one was always cool and unique. One I miss and wish I had not sold. I carried it and it felt super grippy in hand. I had looked for a inlay sebenza with it to match, but at the time, they were not available ( sold out ), so this one I passed on eventually to someone else.

#16 - Small Regular Unique Sebenza - This one was one of my favorites. It still is. I ended up trading it for a small 21 dog paws. Mine was mint and the dog paws was supposed to be mint as well, but was simply not. Had lots of scuffs. Was a deal that I deeply regret.

#17 - Professional Soldier S30V - Great little knife. I had done pretty good on selling at our yard sale and this one came up later that day. I paid for it with my yard sale earnings. As many times as I have tried, this is the only CRK I have done a full review on so far. For those wanting to see it, check out my CRK History Timeline Sticky. The link is in there.

#18 - Mnandi Bocote - This Bocote had lots more gain than my previous one. I owned them both at the same time, so was nice to compare. This one I remember carrying to my Grandfathers funeral. I carried it for special occasions often and later sold it to fund another CRK.

#19 - Mnandi Camel Thorn - This one was simply beautiful. I so wish I had kept it. I traded it as a deal I worked on for a Hinderer xm. The Hinderer is long gone and unfortunately so is this beautiful mnandi. At the time, Camel Thorne was readily available, today it is pretty much extinct.....!

#20 - Umnumzaan Original - This one has become what could call my beater CRK. I have used it for everything from digging to cutting shingles. I still have it, but just don’t use it anymore. I added a Ti back spacer from a great forum member and there it This would be one that would be great in a bug-out-bag as its tough as nails.

#21 - Umnumzaan Tanto - Since I liked the original so much, I thought I would try the tanto. It was a user and I carried it some and later sold it to someone that was looking for one.

#22 - Umnumzaan Wilson Combat - I love the design and look of this, but for me, the grooves were sharp and bit into my finger tips when holding tightly. What I DID like about it was CRK modified the lock release. Now it stuck up a bit higher making the umnumzaan design even better in my opinion. In the end, I could not get over the sharp grooves, so I sold it. If it had the grooves like the starbenza had, I would have kept it, but for me, just too close together and sharp.

#23 - MK VI 28 Year Anniversary - This one is special to me because it sadly signified the end of the OPK that brought me to CRK. I called Heather immediately when I learned of this ones availability about snatched one up. You rarely see one available. It had it all, nice blade size and saw teeth. What more could you like for an end of the line model....!!!

#24 - Small 21 Sebenza Silver “Dog Paws” - This was the dog paws that I traded into what turned out to be not so good of a deal for me. I carried it some, but at the time, just did not care for the 21 style and blade shape. Thought it was growing on me, It wasn’t for me. I was a large regular guy though and though....!!!

#25 - Large Regular Sebenza BG-42 - Having had my first sebenza in this steel and since it was in safe queen heaven, I happened upon another in this prized steel. I did not have it too long as I sold it to someone that was deeply wanting one. Since I already had one, I was not too

#26 - Large Regular Sebenza “Moonsong” - This one I bought from a great forum friend. Its also one of the ones I miss the most. I carried it some, but at the time I had my eyes on other CRK CGG. There was a forum member who PMed me lots wanting it and I finally gave in as my NCIS large regular was getting all my pocket time.

#27 - USN Nkonka Spearpoint - This one I bought from Plaza Cutlery and it was a special run of 10 each. 10 Spearpoint & 10 Clip point. Since I was deeply into spear points, I chose that one. Even thought it was a Knonka, it did not have the tool kit. I later traded it along with some others for a Hinderer xm. For awhile I was carrying CRK and Hinderer’s side by side to compare. CRK Won Out....!!!

#28 - Nkonka Spearpoint - Great knife that went perfectly with the smaller USN version. This one has a pretty cool tool kit that fits inside the OPK hollow handle. One I have never carried, only admired.

#29 - Small Regular Sebenza “Vines” - This was an edc that I carried for quite some time. I bought it and had to send it to CRK as the previous owner had pinched a washer and wore it unevenly some. CRK made it good as new. One I miss. I wish I had it in the large version as that is easily my favorite.

#30 - MK VI - One of the few CRK OPK that I re-bought. I later sold it to fund another CRK.
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#31 - Small P Style Sebenza - This one was pretty sweet. This was my first endeavor into CRK older than the large regulars I owned. I liked that it basically had the regular blade profile with the 21 style handle. Was one that I sent to the spa and was very pleased with the outcome.

#32 - Large P Sebenza - This was my first P sebenza. The blade was stained some, but was just cosmetic. Great design overall. When I came into the one below, I sold this one.

#33 - Large P Sebenza - BUCK - A great P sebenza that I still enjoy. Since I was 9 days old, I have had the nickname as my Great Grandfather said I was so small, I fit in his hand like a hand full of buckshot. Later as I got older, it was shortened to BUCK. I dont hear it much anymore though. When I seen this one that had the name "Buck" engraved on it, I had to get it. The story with this one was the gentleman was getting divorced. His wifes had the word "DOE"; on hers and his had the name "BUCK". Because they split up, he sold his off. The only thing wrong with this one was he tried to install a clip on it. Remember P's are clipless. Since it was not recessed, the clip spun around. The hole has since been enlarged. At the price I paid for it, I did not really care as I really had no intention of reselling it. Its a great “P” sebenza user as it stands and it build like a tank. The Old “P’s” kinda remind me of the old Buck 110’s. Much more squared throughout than rounder like current models.

#34 - Small 21 Sebenza Damascus Raindrop - This one was a plain jane, but with beautiful Raindrop Damascus. I had intended on carrying it for edc, but sold it off to fund another as I was still stuck on not liking the 21’s pointy blade styling and opting for the regulars.

#35 - Shadow I - With loving the Shadow OPK so much and really liking my Tanto I size, I snagged a Shadow I. I never carried it, but admired it all the time and it is easily one of my favorite OPK. Its a monster for sure. Its always at the ready. When the Apocalypse comes, this one will be by my side.

#36 - Shadow II - With having the Shadow I, III, IV, it was natural to look for the very scarce Shadow II. I happened upon one on ebay without breaking the bank. Finally my Shadow OPK Collection was complete.

#37 - Shadow III - With the Shadow III being one of my all time favorites, its only natural to want a backup. Hence another Shadow

#38 - Shadow I - Just as with the Shadow III above, I ended up with a 2nd Shadow I. I was in a money crunch and ended up selling it to a friend of mine who overall bought several of my OPK. I had the chance to buy it back, but limited funds put an end to that possibility. This one was a darker version with a thinner blade edge. I liked my original better as the edge was thicker and I felt more durable.

#39 - Small Regular Sebenza Double Studs - This one was kinda a catch and release as I carry the large regulars more than I do a small regular. If I am gonna carry a small, its going to be a nice CGG/UG. This one was sold to fund another CRK naturally.

#40 - Small Classic Sebenza - I always loved the “classic” engraving and finally found one. It was a user, but I loved it and carried it for quite some time. I eventually sold it to fund a small CRK inlay down the road.

#41 - Aviator 4” - This one was a great little knife. When I was looking for my first CRK, I was deciding between this and the Shadow III. The Shadow III won out and it took me years to finally acquire one of these.

#42 - Sable III - This one was pretty sweet. It was a nice user. I carried it some, but just never cared for the sheath style, so this one got sold to my collector friend.

#43 - Shadow III Single Guard - This one was basically my Shadow III with a single guard. It matched my Sable III. I later sold it to fund another.

#44 - Large 21 UG “Night Sky” - Beautiful knife. I carried it to a family function and when I pulled it out to cut something that needed cut, everyone kinda freaked out saying I had a machete in my pocket. I had used my large regulars in front of the same people with never a word said, but they freaked about how pointy this 21 was. Was the one gripe that I always had about the 21. It took me years to warm up to the 21. Now I have several, but this one one of my first large 21’s. The knife was beautiful though and I would not hesitate to buy again if funds permit it.

#45 - Large Regular Sebenza S30V - Oh how I love those large regulars, especially in S30V, my favorite CRK blade steel. I kept this one for awhile and later sold it.

#46 - Large Regular Sebenza S30V Left Hand - I bought this one on a whim as I had an idea of concocting a 2 bladed sebenza. I tinkered around with the idea for awhile. I will say that being right handed, the left handed sebenza worked pretty well for me. If its the only one I had, I could definitely get used to it.

#47 - Ti-Lock - Great knife. The blade is large in relation to the handle. I was able to manipulate the lock pretty easily, even one handed, just took some practice. I kept it and carried it for awhile, but later sold it off to fund another. Would not hesitate to buy another someday.

#48 - Sable IV - This one I carried hunting for several years. It held an amazing edge. It replaced my Buck Kalinga and eventually, even the Sable IV was replaced by the one below, the CRK Ubejane.

#49 - Ubejane - I carried the Sable IV for several years hunting until I finally came across this beast. I have carried it every year since I got it. The knife is amazingly sharp. We gutted and skinned 3 whitetails before it needed sharpened. For those looking for a OPK for your hunting expeditions, I HIGHLY recommend the Ubejane.

#50 - Large Regular Sebenza “Native American” - Easily my favorite CRK CGG yet. I had seen pics of this one for quite some time before I finally got the hankering that I HAD to have one. Like always, I waited too long. As luck would have it, Out of all the CRK dealers listed, ONE dealer had ONE left. I snagged it and the rest is history. I still have it and hope to start carrying it finally.

#51 - Large Regular Sebenza “Stars & Stripes” - This one has always been my favorite of the US Flag patterns. I bought this from a forum friend. He had done a video on it and a short time later, it was up for sale and I just happened to be on at the right time. This one is unique in that it as an extra relief cutout on the outside of the lockbar spring as well. Pretty cool.

#52 - Large 21 Sebenza “Eyes” - Great design that I would buy again. This one had double silver studs. I sold it to find another, but would get it again. Has the same kind of design as the newer Elk Mountain. Looks really cool from a short distance.

#53 - Sikayo - 6.5” - Great kitchen knife and I felt this one was much more useful to me that the 9” version would be. I have used it extensively and it has excelled.

#54 - Neil Roberts - Great knife. I carried it for a bit and cleared some shooting lanes with it. I am just not a fan of the recurve blade design and later sold it. Now its A great design never the less.

#55 - Green Beret 5.5” - Great short spearpoint design. I had the leather sheath with this one as well. Never carried it, just admired it. I always liked this look of this one compared to its bigger brother.

#56 - Pacific - My favorite of the CRK Military styled knives. This one is the most comfortable in hand for me. The only grip about it for me is that it has serrations. I asked CRK if I could get one without, but they declined. I can see the need for serrations under certain circumstances, but I really wish they would do a run without em. I would be in for one for sure. Until then, I will have to make due with this one.

#57 - Small Regular Sebenza “Meteor Shower” - Great little knife. I carried this one for awhile. But later sold it to fund another. If it had been a large, I would still have it.

#58 - Mountaineer I - Since I had several of the other 4” OPK, it was only natural to get a Mountaineer I. Great design. I never carried this one, only admired it.

#59 - Tanto III NCIA - This one completed for ME what was my 4” OPK collection. I realize there was others out there ( super rare ones ), but this one did it for me. Sold it along with some of my other OPK to fund others.

#60 - Large Regular Sebenza UG - Beautiful UG User that I bought from a good forum friend. I ended up with 2 from the same gentleman. The other got carried more than this one did, but I still enjoy admiring it. It will be ready when I am....!!!
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#61 - Large Regular Sebenza UG SignWave - This is one that I had bought and actually forgot I had When I was going through my sebenzas, I was like, WOW, I forgot about this one. Beautiful.

#62 - Large Regular Sebenza “In God We Trust” - This one was the 2nd that I bought from the same gentleman. Other than my NCIS sebenza, this one has been carried the most. I realize the slogan on it is from USA $$, but for me, it had a different meaning. I was going through a very difficult time in my life and anytime I used it, I saw the saying on it. I believed in GOD that he would get me through the tough times and he has.

#63 - Mnandi Walnut - Great little mnandi. Most walnut is plain, but this one had a very nice grain to it. When I bought it, the blade was scuffed, so it was a good user. This is the one that freaked many people out when I used it to open a cement

#64 - Large Regular Sebenza Mother Of Pearl - Beautiful UG. What can I say, I love the regulars...!!! Just stunning UG with a MOP Topping.

#65 - Small Regular UG - Yet another of Lisa’s amazing work.

#66 - Project I - I bought this one from ebay as I remember pulling over on the side of the road at a pull off so I could bid on it at the last minute on my way to I was hoping for a plain edged version, but settled for this partially serrated version. I had sold my Pachmayr, so this was a Must Have.

#67 - Project II - I bought this one to compliment my Project I. I preferred the spearpoint to the clip point, so I sold this and kept the Project I. I also liked the sheath on the Project I better as it has the knife strap closure rather than the Button retaining stud.

#68 - Large Regular Sebenza S30V - Yet another in my long list of plain large regulars.

#69 - Large Regular Sebenza S30V - This one had several marks on it, so I scotchbrighted it. I did not like the finish and sold it down the road. Some like the look and feel of such a finnish, not me.

#70 - Large 21 Sebenza Tanto - Great knife. I admired it for awhile before moving it on to another happy CRK owner. Had a camo lanyard from CRK which was pretty cool.

#71 - Shadow IV Sawback - One of my Grails in the Shadow OPK. I still have it to this day and its begging for duty. Mine has the pancake sheath that matches that of the Shadow III. I admire it all the time. Its an oldie but goodie with a hex cap to boot.

#72 - Small Plain Regular - Great Knife. Carried it for a bit before selling it off. Just hard to beat the Large Regulars for me. Its because of that, that the small’s suffer for pocket time with

#73 - Aviator 4” - One of the few OPK that I had rebought. Ended up selling yet again for another CRK. Hopefully someday I will buy one and KEEP it...!!!

#74 - Small Regular Sebenza “Galaxy” UG - Before this one, I had a LONG drought in my CRK buying. I bought it from a forum friend who held it for me until I could get the funds for it. Beautiful knife. I remember seeing it on the CRK forum page and jumped on it when I saw it on the exchange.

#75 - Large “P” Style Sebenza “Stars & Stripes” - One of the first CGG out there since it was in the P sebenza style. I still have it. Its nice to compare it to my Large Regular Stars & Stripes.

#76 - Large 21 Sebenza Bocote - My first CRK sebenza with a wood inlay. I had waited long enough and when I came across this beautiful piece of Bocote, I jumped on it. The inlays feel great in hand. At this time, I was finally warming up to the 21 and its pointy blade.

#77 - Small 21 Sebenza Lignum Vitae - With having so many different CRK over the years, I finally came across this Lignum Vitae ( one of the hardest woods in the world ). If it had been a large, I would have kept it. I sold it off to fund another.

#78 - Small Regular Sebenza “Night Sky” - I happened upon this on the exchange and got TONS of PM’s afterwards with offers to buy it. I had loved my large 21 Night Sky, but had sold it off hoping to find a Large Regular some day. Until then, a small will have to

#79 - Small Regular Sebenza Double Stud - I had one years before, but finally came across another. Buttery smooth.

#80 - Small 21 Sebenza Bocote with Ladder Damascus - This is one of the few that I really wish I had kept. The Bocote was beautiful. I am not the biggest fan of ladder damascus as I feel there are other damascus by Devin Thomas that looks so much better like the raindrop and the basketweave and spiralgraph. If it had been any of those, I would still have it.

#81 - Large Regular Sebenza Annual Spalted Maple - Oh how the Annual’s had eluded me. I was on the list for an annual, but got that saddening email from CRK stating that the Annual’s were no more. The search was on. I found this one on the exchange. The gentleman was looking to trade it, but I offered to buy it outright and the rest is history. Its easily one of the most beautiful wood inlays I have ever seen.

#82 - Small Regular Sebenza UG - Very Colorful UG. Was well used. This purchase led me to buying 4 more from the same gentleman. And Oh what a 4 they were...!!!

#83 - Large Regular Sebenza UG Gary House Mosaic Damascus - The next 4 I bought from the same gentleman as stated above. I ended up with 5 total from him, He still had 2 more, but I was tapped out...I had bought the one above and we started talking knives, mainly CRK. He stated he had a few others that I might be interested in. When he finally sent me a pic of them, I almost fell off my chair. There is a thread entitled “ Nyefmakers Grail’s “ and thats an understatement. We worked out a deal and the rest is history. I did not realize how special they were until I got them in hand and started doing research on them. This one had a special run of damascus by Gary House. There were only like 10 or 12 made. I know of 2 or 3 more from forum members. Its nice that such a small group has a large portion of em.

#84 - Large Regular Sebenza Gold Coin Raindrop Damascus - This one is probably the grail of grail’s. There are other Gold Coin ones that I think look nicer, but this is the only one I ever had the opportunity to buy. Its a keeper for sure. Funny thing is, I always wanted a Large Regular in Damascus to use and carry. With this one and the one above, I have two that are only I should start bringing them out for those special holidays and just plain enjoy them.

#85 - Large Regular Sebenza BG-42 UG - This one always had a Asian look to me. Fitting since it came with the ones above.

#86 - Small Regular Sebenza Mother Of Pearl Moons - I so wish this one was a Large Regular. Its so beautiful. I had never seen CRK do MOP in this way till this one came my way. After showing this one on the CRK page, I got several posts from members having similar ones. Pretty cool overall.

#87 - Sebenza 25 - I did not jump on this the day it came out and it took awhile to grow on me. I was thinking of selling it, but ended up moving kinda quickly and needed a knife to carry. After moving, I found that it had gotten scuffed. Well, its a keeper now and has really grown on me. Its now one of my favorites. The blade shape is perfect and I love the grind. A great slicer. Definitely a great representation of 25 years of the sebenza. Thought I still love the Large Regulars the best and the 21’s have grown on me quite a bit, I rank this one right there with them.

#88 - Large Regular Sebenza Annual Box Elder - This one was the first knife I have ever received as a gift from a family member. It ended up being a birthday gift and what a gift it was. It was one I knew I was getting as I picked it out at a great price, but that still did not hamper the excitement when I finally knew it was mine for keeps. The Annuals were something special indeed. Luckily I happen to have 2 Large Annuals. Smalls are nice I am sure and I have had the chance to buy some of them, but the large is where they are for me...!!!

#89 - Tanto I - I bought this one on my lunch break at work. I later sold it to fund some others. I only sold it because I already had one, otherwise it would have been a keeper.

#90 - Large 21 Sebenza Silver “Dog Paws” - With having so many CRK’s, its only natural that one would get lost. So this one has the distinction of being the first ( AND I PRAY ONLY ) CRK that I have lost. I was EDCing it for a couple months and one day I realized it was missing. I still hold out hope that I will come across it. I really think its packed away somewhere and simply misplaced and not Lost. Thought its now been 5 months and my dog has not found its way home yet :-(

#91 - Mnandi Bocote - I bought this one from a CRK dealer. All the other mnandi I had was the old style, this was the first of the new style that I had bought. I immediately did not like it as I was used to the one hand opening of the older style. These look nice nonetheless, but if I ever buy a mnandi again, I am 99.9% sure it will not be the new style. I sold it shortly after receiving it.

#92 - Mnandi Box Elder - I had bought the one above and this one within a couple days of eachother. I returned this one to the dealer as I am just not fond of the new style mnandi and much prefer the old styled version.

#93 - Large 21 Sebenza Scotchbrighted - This one was a great user. I actually used this to gut my deer last year. I had used the Ubejane for several years, but wanted to see how a sebenza would do. I think the 21 is a little too pointy for such a task and think the insingo would be a much better choice or a large regular.

#94 - Pacific - I bought this one and later decided to give it to my girlfriend as a birthday gift. She is a knifenut like me and I was happy to give her her first CRK. She is into fixed blades more than folders. It came with the leather sheath as well as the spec ops one. She is always showing it off too :)

#95 - Large 21 Sebenza Classic UG - This one has become my recent EDC. It has kinda a plaid cloth-like UG on each end and is plain in the middle. What attracted me to it the most is the CLASSIC MM on the backside. I love that wording, always have. Plus its S30V. Nice user that I keep using each and every day. Kinda fills the void left by my Lost Dog Paws....!!!!

#96 - Large 21 Sebenza UG “Straight Ahead” - This one is a funny story. I had seen it for years on OFK. Waited and waited like usual. One day I finally called them up to order it and the gentleman said: How does it feel to have such bad karma...??? I was like, what do you mean...? He said its been on the site for years and about an hour before I called, someone called and bought it. It was on his desk ready to mail. I told my girlfriend that a sebenza I had been looking at for years had just sold. We laughed about it that I just waited a little too long... Well, I am very determined, so I began looking at every dealer, both foreign an domestic. No More Anywhere. That was indeed the last one on OFK...After working as a temp at my job for 4 years, they finally lifted the hiring freeze. I was about to become a full time employee at Sanofi Pasteur. Upon hearing this, my girlfriend said she had bought me something special to show that my hard work and dedication had paid off. She gave me a small box. Well, being a CRK veteran, I KNEW what was in a box of this size. It was definitely a sebenza. I remember opening it and saying “ Its an Older One” as they have the new boxes now. I opened it seeing the plain side of the box ( the other side showed the name of the model ). I then opened the box itself and it housed a Small Leather Slip Sheath. When I undid the tissue paper...Low And Behold...A Large Straight Ahead...!!! The small slip sheath was obviously a mistake, but everything else in the box was not. The knife is Beautiful and will always have a special meaning for me. Word to the Wise. For those CRK Nuts like me out there...DO NOT WAIT...!!!

#97 - Inyoni - Yet another one I almost waited too long to get. I decided I wanted to get one after seeing it for many years. Many dealers have them on their sites, but they are long gone, trust me. I looked on both the US and international dealers lists. Again, the ones shown are not available. They have just not updated their sites I happened on what me and Heather believe to be the Last One. Mine was a display model and even says so on the box. The lanyard was missing. After a call to CRK, Heather set me up with an official Inyoni Lanyard to complete it. Its a great knife and feels great in hand. Very sharp and I am sure it will work great for its intended use and design. I am surprised it was not more popular. If you guys see one and want one...get it.

#98 - Large Regular Sebenza “Native American” - Bought this, this past Easter. Happened to see in on the exchanges and worked out a deal for it. This has always been my favorite CGG that CRK has ever made to date. I always wanted one to use and one to keep. After MANY years inbetween, it has become a reality.

#99 - Large 21 Sebenza Bocote with Basketweave Damascus - I bought this one as a gift to myself for finally getting hired by Sanofi Pasteur. The Bocote is beyond Beautiful and the Basketweave damascus is pretty sweet as well. Definitely one I will just have to break down and carry and enjoy. Even if its just on those special Holidays.

#100 - Ubejane - WELL, here it is #100. I never thought I would ever own more than a couple CRK. I don’t think I ever had 100 of anything in my life other than baseball cards and maybe I have kinda come full circle. I started with a OPK and with #100, its still a OPK. I already have a Ubejane that I use for hunting and its great to have a backup. But I actually bought this one to modify it into the famed “Scout” model. Someday when I get time, I hope to make this a reality. In the meantime, it can enjoy being the great Ubejane.

Continued: #101 and UP - PAGE 4 POST #69

I highly doubt I will ever hit 200 CRK, but it has been extremely FUN getting to this point. God willing, I will have the chances to buy several more in the years to come. But If I never had the funds to get another, I would feel pretty lucky that I have had the opportunity to own these great CRK. I have tried several other brands, but I ALWAYS come back to CRK. They are the greatest Company I have ever dealt with, not only in the knifemaking business, but ANY business.
I MUST Thank Chris, Anne, and Heather as I have had the honor of talking and emailing you all over the years. Thank You..!!!
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What good is a thread of 100 CRK without pictures.....??? I scoured my photobucket and fickr to show some of what I have owned. Most are long gone, but it was a nice trip down memory lane going through these. I have 100's more pics, but just tried to choose one of each. Most of these were pics that I took to post them to the forums or ebay. Some of you guys even have some of these, so you may be seeing the very pic that prompted you to buy it.........I do not have a pic of every CRK on my 100 list, but do have pictures of most of them....!!!

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Thanks like an encyclopedia of CRK. Very nice! I don't think I've seen a more impressive list.
Wow Buck!!! No wonder you are the unofficial historian here... looks like you have had pretty much everything CRK at one time or another... amazing!!
Thanks for sharing my friend!!
And as always, all the best Dave
Thanks Nyefmaker for the herculean post effort! Goes a long way to preserve more CRK goodness history.
I feel so much better about "collecting" several CRK in the manner of a few weeks.

Seriously, this should be a sticky. It's a nice reference for all the variations. Thanks for posting! I'll enjoy browsing this post for a long time.

Fantastic thread, thank you for the time and effort to compile it! I've made the mistake of dumping information on the ones sold, something I'll learn from..... What a wonderful selection of Chris Reeve knives! I guess we can all pick favourites from your collection of pictures and I love the Native American...... I don't have a CRK folder but one of those could change all that!
Thanks again and here's to the next 100...... May you hang on to as many as possible!
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Love it. Read every word, and viewed every image very well too.
Thanks !
Outstanding. These are the kind of threads I love!
Now that is an excellent collecting diary, buddy. You've put your hands on some treasures for sure.
Awsome collection and it is even more impressive how you have kept track of it all. My hat is off you you, Sir.