Need a good contest

I second Nemo's idea!

Knowledge without understanding is knowledge wasted.
Understanding without knowledge is a rare gift - but not an impossibility.
For the impossible is always possible through faith. - Bathroom graffiti, gas station, Grey, TN, Dec, 1988

AKTI Member #A000831

the how many ladybugs question is on my list of favorites also.

how 'bout something just as silly like- how many parking spaces are in spyderco's main lot?

maby: how many tiles cover the floor of the spidie factory lunch room?

or: what is the altitude of the front door of the seki city plant?

point is keep them SO trivial that its all luck, the answers might be funny.

'Till next time,
Rich the kite guy
With 3300+ members, and 10 more joining daily, I'm sorry to report that it'd be a difficult task, Sal, I'm sorry. I don't think I'll be able to print out a list for you.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
If the list of forumites posting to Spyderco forum isn't possible then how about a new thread where everybody who wants to be in would have to post their name. Then you could print it out and use the prize to slice it in to suitable pieces (quality control at the same time
But anyways, go with Lady Luck. Although she's never quite fair, she's still the fairest of all.


Do you have a log file that has posting information...if so a short perl file should do the trick.


One more vote for the luck angle. I just got into knives after a looong time. (Long story)
So any trivia or who has the most spidie's would not do me any good.

Pure luck works for me, but with a twist similar to what TheBeak mentioned would be entertaining.

As for a prize, I'm easy: how about a Lightweight Calypso Jr.
To avoid complications and the potential for controvery, I would opt for a purely random drawing of some sort. Besides, dumb guys like me always prefer dumb luck...

Luck sounds good.


Two important questions in life:
Do they have a catalog?
Did you know there's a town called "Batman" in Turkey?
OK - luck wins. Might have a question just to get you posting.

I'll begin the contest this weekend. Only one posting for each person will be counted.

I'll start another thread to kick it off.

oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

i gotta get away from this machine so i can find my lucky rabits foot....

'Till next time,
Rich the kite guy