Rumor of happenings between Ontario and RAT Cutlery

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Force yourself to get past the first 1/3 of the book and you'll be ok. Any Rand wrote way too detailed for most folks to easily read her work. The whole book is brilliant. Some of Francisco's and Galt's long winded diatribes are well worth the price of admission to get to that point.

"The world will change when you are ready to pronounce this oath: I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine." - John Galt

Oh, hell...just click here and read this condensed version of Galt's speech:

Those speeches give me chills Jeff. I am about 100 pages in. I am on vacation after today so I hope to get it read by Friday, when I go hiking.

Take care,
Mike and I have modeled RAT and RAT Cutlery after the Objectivist Philosophy. Not because we bow to anything Ayn Rand ever said, but it's the way we have lived our whole lives and never even knew there was an official title for it until we found out about Rand. Maybe we should sue Ayn Rand for stealing our philosophy :D
Its a pair or RAT 7's, incorrectly labeled as TAKs, because those fools are retarded. :D

looks like they changed it, I smells a spy

I might be going down to 10esse next week and will most likely go to SMKW, there is a Ontario rep there and I will be putting him on the hot seat.
looks like they changed it, I smells a spy

I might be going down to 10esse next week and will most likely go to SMKW, there is a Ontario rep there and I will be putting him on the hot seat.

You should have your lawyer send them a letter about not giving you credit for the pic update. :D
Oops, that was diceman that noticed the mismatched pics. My bad. :foot:
Oops, that was diceman that noticed the mismatched pics. My bad. :foot:

Yeah - what a bunch of goobers.

Dear Ontario (spy): "You're welcome" for pointing out the (glaring) typo on your website. That free of charge piece of advice will be my last contribution to your company. Tis truly a shame, as I have nine Ontario Rats (RTAK, RTAKII, RAT7, RAT5, TAK, RAT3, Model 1(x2), and Queen Rail Splitter), and fully intended to continue supporting the RAT line made by Ontario - they are great knives. It really is a shame, but you brought it on yourself. I'd been pretty excited about the D2 RAT5 - I have no doubt in my mind that I would have gotten one. I'd been thinking about a 1095 RAT7 and 1095 TAK as well, as mine are both D2. I guess I'll never get my hands on them - but they would have been nice! As far as "average Joe" customers go, you've just lost a loyal one who purchased your products often. I know I'm not the only one who is taking this course of action.
Sincerely, -Dan Rice / Dice
I hardly ever post on any forums. I usually just read and learn allot from all of you who post on here and other similar forums. Thanks everyone for the countless advice I received throughout the years of reading your posts.
I own several Ontario RATS and an RC 3 as well. I am sure there are countless people like me, who check these forums out and never post. For all of you out there like me, I truly hope you see the injustice of what the Ontario Company is doing to the men at RAT Cutlery. If so send an email to Ontario letting them know of your displeasure.
I am getting that RC 4 I have been thinking about and no more Ontario products for me, or anyone else I come across.

Good Luck Jeff and Mike
screw ontario, nothing they make sells except for the RAT line anyways" which is most likely why they are sueing you" however i for one will not be purchasing anything from ontario in the future, and will not recommend them to anyone either.
I am very disappointed in the way Ontario is acting in this matter. Supporting will be impossible if I don't respect them, and right now I don't respect them.
screw ontario, nothing they make sells except for the RAT line anyways" which is most likely why they are sueing you" however i for one will not be purchasing anything from ontario in the future, and will not recommend them to anyone either.

uhhh...queen knives???? they surely sell.

I am in agreement with the spirit of your post, but you might be going over the top a bit.

THEY are a bunch of buttholes?

Ontario, not Jeff and Mike. That post made a lot more sense in my head at the time. Looking back at it now, even I was like "Who the hell was I talking about?" hahaha. Must have been the booze talking.:D
Originally Posted by he who say
screw ontario, nothing they make sells except for the RAT line anyways" which is most likely why they are sueing you" however i for one will not be purchasing anything from ontario in the future, and will not recommend them to anyone either.
uhhh...queen knives???? they surely sell.

I am in agreement with the spirit of your post, but you might be going over the top a bit.


My Dad loves pocketknives. I got him several from Queen. Every one of them broke under minimal to moderate use. The shield even fell off of one almost as soon as he got it. From my experience, if they are selling well, it must be by collectors who aren't using them. I don't know. Maybe I just happened to get 4 consecutive ones over a period of 2 years that were all bad?

That's beyond the realm of chance, as I'm sure you were implying. It's bad QC. Period.
Yeah, I know, Brian. That's why even before all of this mess, I was done with Ontario products, with the exception of the RAT line anyway.

It's like no one cares about customer service any more. That's what makes Jeff and Mike's products even more exceptional--the customer service is second to none but the price is lower than other products, even inferior ones. A no questions asked warranty? Who knows of anything like that out there today? In ANY industry? It is the exception, not the rule, I say.

I've had a few VERY bad experiences lately with poor customer service on some high-dollar stuff, including an upper for my AR from Troy Industries that I had to keep badgering them for months to return to me, even if it wasn't fixed, I just wanted it back and it took months. Bottom line is I'll pay a large premium to get good customer service but with RAT, it's included in the very reasonable prices to start with. Just splendid!
I just spent an hour going thru Standard & Poor's analysts' site, and there is no reference to Ontario Knives or Ontario Knife Company, or any similar listing, as far as a stock listing goes. Does anyone know if they are publicly traded or privately held? If it's the latter, does anyone know the parent company name?

If there's info out there, I can find it...and post it!


Ontario/Queen's parent company is Servotronics.
I just sent my email expressing my displeasure of Ontario's pending litigation against Jeff and Mike.
Jeff is a stand up guy; he personally advised me that if I broke the blade of my RC-3 during duty-use, he would replace it for me; no questions asked.
Most knife makers and knife enthusiasts have a pretty high degree of personal integrity, I've found.
What in the hell happened with Ontario?:grumpy:
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