Sub-$300 Katana (2014 edition)

What is your price range? What do you plan on using it for? For me personally, as far as Cheness goes, I liked the "Tenchi" overall. The "Kaze" was a close 2nd.

I am a novice, speaking from a position of no experience whatsoever. But, through my own research, and reading reviews, and watching various videos, the general consensus out there is mixed at best. Some love their products and swear by them, while others swear AT them. You could- 1. Check out some of the other threads on here, there may be a "Cheness" thread. 2. Start your own thread, forumites will be happy to chime in, I am sure. 3. Start on page #1 of this thread and read through it, there is some VALUABLE information, and we have actually discussed Cheness.

Holy wow. I leave this thread for one night, and 7 pages appear.
I was suggesting Cheness because I thought someone on this thread was looking for a sub $300 Katana. I, personally, am not looking for one.

Sorry if it was already discussed.
yeah, the white same can get kinda gross with heavy use. And I'm not about to unwrap the ito to clean it

Not true, unless you are using the sword with food or sludge on your hands.

I seal all my tsuka with clear lacquer, some people do use epoxy. It stiffens the ito, makes it less susceptible to moisture retention and helps keep the ito from sliding around. You should try it on cotton or silk ito.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
What kind of epoxy do you use? I've got gorilla hands and my sweat is pretty acidic.

I use the lacquer, Duplicolor clear spray in a can, works awesome.... I spray it on, work it in with NON-POWEDERED exam gloves, and repeat, waiting long enough so that it doesn't get shiny. I'll stop after about 10 coats and occasionally re-spray when I am doing tsuka/saya maintenance(about every six months). The ito does not move, it does absorb just enough sweat to "stick" to your hands, but it doesn't rot the way that untreated ito know that smell.

Have to admit that I like Tsunami wrap from Fred Lohman a lot more than I thought I would. It doesn't rot at all, and it doesn't get loose either.

I have acid sweat myself....keeps me on my toes with carbon blades, lol.

If you want epoxy, use any decent THIN BODIED two part epoxy that is not a quick cure....have also heard good things about alumilite:

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
I remember looking at and researching Cheness Cutlery a while back they seem to be pretty good. Anyone have any hands-on experience with them?

Sounded like you were asking a question, not answering one. Either way, like I said, I liked the Tenchi and Kaze models from Cheness. Do you own any katanas yourself? How do you feel about other manufacturers? Thank you for adding to this topic!
Holy wow. I leave this thread for one night, and 7 pages appear.
I was suggesting Cheness because I thought someone on this thread was looking for a sub $300 Katana. I, personally, am not looking for one.

Sorry if it was already discussed.

No worries, I appreciate the input!
Hmmm Lacquer.... I will have to look into this. I would hate having to worry about my tsuka "rotting." :eek:

The tsuka itself(core/same') won't rot, the ito will. It's an organic material(cotton or silk) and the acids/salt in sweat attack and rot the stinks, will rust or tarnish your fuchi/kashira and menuki, and it will make your hands itch.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson