The Best Offensive Weapon

How about a M-60 machine gun with am M-9 bayonet tapped to the barrel.
Why do you want to be offensive with a knife? Why not try a long carving fork with sharp points because a knife is a tool or a defensive weapon.
Originally posted by nick1016:
I am thinking of buying a knife solely for the purpose as an offensive weapon.Could anyone give me some recomendations?

Although it doesn't conceal well, how about a double bladed, gas powered model by TORO. You could always pose as a gardener for your "cover".

[This message has been edited by steve22595 (edited 07-11-2000).]

[This message has been edited by steve22595 (edited 07-11-2000).]
It's been a long time since the young gentleman who started this dubious thread posted in it. Indeed, a quick search indicates that his last post anywhere in Knife Reviews or Blade Discussion was on June 16. Maybe he's off on a covert mission. Maybe it has something to do with school schedules. Maybe ...

Anyway, maybe it's time to let this rest.

AKTI Member # SA00001
I think this thread has been funny as hell. Why let it rest? Yea those Philipino of Moorish descent must cycle and this is there best covert opportunity. Hence why he hasnt been around. Look out Philippine government. Nick the knife is out and about.

Hey Nicky,

Why not cane your enemies to death? It's government sanctioned!

Ask Michael Fay!
There are basically three types of fighting knives 1)knives primarily for thrusting-stabbing, such as stilletos and dirks. The British Commando knife is a good example. 2)the slashers, like a good bowie knife. Bagwell makes a good fighting bowie, and so does Kabar in their Marine Utility knife. Relatively inexpensive Bagwell Bowies are sold through Ontario. 3) The last type are the choppers, like the Kukri, really heavy bowies, the smatchet, and some machetes. If I had to go to a knife fight, I would take a 12 gauge and a .45 ACP pistol. However if I had to pick a knife primarily for fighting, I would pick a Bagwell Bowie. However if I had Kukri training, I would probably take a Kukri (which is technically a short sword). For concealed carry, a CS bowie or recon scout are good choices. My favorite, however is the Kabar.

There are basically three types of fighting knives 1)knives primarily for thrusting-stabbing, such as stilletos and dirks. The British Commando knife is a good example. 2)the slashers, like a good bowie knife. Bagwell makes a good fighting bowie, and so does Kabar in their Marine Utility knife. Relatively inexpensive Bagwell Bowies are sold through Ontario. 3) The last type are the choppers, like the Kukri, really heavy bowies, the smatchet, and some machetes. If I had to go to a knife fight, I would take a 12 gauge and a .45 ACP pistol. However if I had to pick a knife primarily for fighting, I would pick a Bagwell Bowie. However if I had Kukri training, I would probably take a Kukri (which is technically a short sword). For concealed carry, a CS bowie or recon scout are good choices. My favorite, however is the Kabar.

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for the great replies. Summer school just got out so I'll be off on my black government mission to earn some money before fall. You have no idea how much it costs to stay fashionable here in Singapore. Who do you have to kill to make some money around here? HeeHee just kidding

I used a K-bar Warthog on an ingrown toenail and it was tooooooo big. Then I tried a leatherman micra and it was tooooooo small. Then I tried a Sebbie "Thurma" Oofman and it was juuuuuuuuust right. Should I post a review of the toenail picking qualities of these knives? I've got pics!

Uhoh, that's my mom calling. Gotta go!

I'll give you a poke, that ain't no joke!
The above entry was not made by the original poster, but good idea, whoever it really was.

Stop trashing the guy. Whether you like to admit it, knives have often been, and will continue to be used as offensive weapons.

Most of you live in free societies. Singapore is not one, and therefore the people do no have the right to bear arms. They might be able to obtain guns, but I cannot tell you if they are leagl or not.

Let us say that you live in a place that has very crappy firearms laws, such as england. You are not rich, therefore do not own a gun. If someone breks into your house, what do YOU strap around your waist to defend house and family?

Give the guy a break, not everyone knows everything about every subject, like some of you think you do.

To answer Nick's question, I think a well placed Stiletto Type dagger is about as deadly as it gets in a "small" knife.
Oh yes I am for real! You're really asking for it buster, I'm gonna post those pictures of my ingrown toenail! Thanks for the tip on the stilletto. (Get it, the tip on the stilletto? No, well never mind.)

So you think you can force us to admit that knives are offensive, eh? Well I've got news for you buster ... just wait till you see those pictures.

So, would one of you Nicks (1016 or 1106)share with us what its like to work for the "dark" side of the Singapore governemnt. Im courious whether you get to stay in a premium hotel or brown bag it in the back of a 75 Toyota?
Originally posted by Stiletto Raggio:

Stop trashing the guy. Whether you like to admit it, knives have often been, and will continue to be used as offensive weapons.

Not by anyone with training or resources that are commeasurate with using ANY offensive weapon legally or ethically. Knives are bad offensive weapons. Period.

Oops - forgot to count the folks hacking each other apart with machetes. Offensive knives at work. Of course it helps in those cases to be a marauding band, massively outnumbering your restrained opponents.

Originally posted by Stiletto Raggio:

Let us say that you live in a place that has very crappy firearms laws, such as england. You are not rich, therefore do not own a gun. If someone breks into your house, what do YOU strap around your waist to defend house and family?

In such a scenario, I'd rather have (and, as in my current home, WOULD have) an axe, baseball bat, long sword, or other "long range" weapon than a friggin' knife.

Say it with me: "Reach out and touch someone". Why would you want an attacker to get within arm's reach, where a knife would eventually become effective, when a broom handle would do a better job of keeping you out of harm's way?

Besides - You said it yourself - "DEFENSE". Our friend the Singapore Secret Agent needs something for offense. You don't have to be in a weapons restricted country for offensive weapons use to be considered a major no-no.

BTW - BTTT, hee hee...

AKTI Member #A000832

"Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes, the bear eats you."
Well, my personal favorite is the 9-inch gorilla crap. And if concealibility is a concern, a large zip lock freezer bag will keep your notebooks and homework smear free for bookbag carry.
if you want an offensive wepon get a 12 gauge pistol its legal to carry and it shoots 100% capsicum rounds whithc are a helluv alot stronger than 10% capsicum srays that cops use ifthat doesent soot your needs get an asp tacticle baton

Originally posted by steve22595:
Although it doesn't conceal well, how about a double bladed, gas powered model by TORO. You could always pose as a gardener for your "cover".

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Gawdam that was funny Steve! I'm still laughing over that.

The PooStick Offensive Weapon System is very effective... especially against little brothers and sisters...


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
I would prefer something more like a Browning A-5 with short barrel or perhaps a few pinapples as offensive weapons - maybe even an A-10 warthog ! but not a knife! that is definitely a tool !

Don't wrestle with the hogs - they enjoy it and you get dirty !
Hmmmm.... if I had to pick a blade for OFFENSIVE purposes it would have to be a 20lb "Braveheart Special" sword!

Seriously, if you needed a serious fighting knife, a Gerber Mk 1 or 2 should work fine.
The original Changbenza. Lost somewhere in my high school. If its found, it will become very valuable, so hang onto it!


Chang the Asian Janitorial Apparatus
hmmmm.... if I wanted an OFFENSIVE blade I would carry a 20lb sword. A good fighting knife would be something like a Gerber Mk 1 or 2, or a Fairbairn-Applegate style.

Judge identified Nick as a 16 year old student a few pages back, so why would Nick want an OFFENSIVE blade. I think maybe Nick should work for the post office.

Sorry, couldn't resist, no flame intended.