The hats are in and will ship out Monday!

Grey you say?

You made my day!

I'll take one if available Chris!(Grey that is)

If you use a flat rate box be sure to wrap the hats in something,because the ink inside the boxes will rub off onto the hat.(happened to me once)
Awesome! I almost bought another hat today, then stopped when I realize I had a new one coming from you. :)
Hats are here. I have everyone down. Just1mor and MRN8, which color would you like?


I still have both colors available.
Hey Chris,
I'll take one of each color if you still have them,
Let me know and I'll process PayPal.
Chris, a gray one if you still have one . . . . and of course it will go nice with the "scarlet" hooded sweatshirt I have . . . . :D
I'll hit P/P tomorrow when my son gets back home tonight with my C/C. Hopefully there will be enough left to send to you . . . . . .
Thanks for doing this, great idea.
Be safe.
Gotta extra one in Ol' Hippie Gray, please?
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I will get them shipped Monday Bill and Gnarly
I do have more in both color Marcelo.