There is always room for improvement! 💪🏼

Broke out the stopwatch today and "embracing the suck!"

30 second handstands x 8 with long rests in between each one. 9th was less than 30 seconds and a FBI clue to stop and help with "Honey, do's..."

Have a good weekend everyone!

EDIT: Grammar mistake as usual.
Figured a way to add weight for calf raises, by doubling up on my weighted vests.

Was using a 140lbs vest to do weighted calf raises. Started throwing the 40lb vest I use for weighted pull ups over the 140lb vest.

“If it looks stupid, but it works, it’s not stupid”.

Currently at 270 reps over 4 sets.

Figure I’ll stick with this for now. If I get to the point I can do 4x100, I’ll figure something else out.
I had a rough start to this year. I blinked and we're already a quarter way through. :oops:

Yesterday, I went for a 3 mile HIIT run and then did some bodyweight exercises. I'll be doing the same today and continuing throughout the week. Next week, I'll ease back into the weights.

I just have to show up. It's the simplest switch to flick but bloody hell, is there an abundance of excuses that rush to prevent you from doing so.