Think you had a crappy weekend? Worse than mine? CONTEST!!

Daniel Koster
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
I had a crappy weekend...and it's spilling over into my week. :grumpy:

I need to find somebody who's had it worse than me...shake off this pity party I'm in...


To compensate you for your crappy weekend, you'll get this knife for free:


So, let's hear it.....who's had the worse weekend?


p.s. contest over
I spent 14 hours on Sunday, 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM Monday, working on my wife's expense report. She got in a crunch and ended up arranging and paying for the travel expenses of about a dozen coworkers who came to Colorado to do overnight store resets. She only had a few receipts on hand and I had to scrounge things and fake things from 5 email accounts and 8 online travel websites. It would be a lot better if she kept things or even remembered all of her passwords. On some of the items it took her close to an hour to figure out what the bill was for, it took me less time to improvise a receipt. She had over $15,000 of expenses on her Amex card plus cash and personal credit card expenses.

If only she had simply done everything through Expedia it would have been simpler, but she pulled every trick in the book to save her employer money. She not only got some stuff through Priceline, but she also used (that is the real spelling for a company in Istanbul). Only one of all her travelers forwarded any receipts to her. All this stuff had to be neatly formatted on 8.5x11 inch paper which could be fed through our fax machine. With the necessary cover sheets this worked out to faxing 52 pages of receipts. The report itself utilized some online transfer of data out of her Amex account to another online expense account compiling website. Things had to be coded as to type of expense and appropriate departments.

I hate working on these stupid things and my wife gets all irritated and defensive when I try and drag information out of her. Normally we are only dealing with her personal travel expenses which seldom reach $5,000 in a month. She covers a territory with well over a million square miles, including Montana and Alaska. So by the time I got to bed I was too pissed off to sleep and my wife was only slightly less disgruntled. I expect the SOB's who approve the forms to bounce it for something trivial. These execs are off to Costa Rica for a planning meeting and to discuss how they can cut people's wages to improve company profits.
I have one for you, I've had to stay in pretty much low active low stress lifestyle since halloween since I've had back surgery. Friday it started to rain out here in my desert and I was struck with pains that I'd only could consider pure torture, the wheather turned from rainy to icy cold blowing wind on Sat. and Sun. The kicker was that I ran out of my pain meds and haven't been able to get ahold of my doctor for a refill. On top of that my 6 year old muchkin doesn't fully understand the magnitude of it, since she's never had to experience it, and wanted me to finish building her Tipee in the backyard. She was so heartbroken and I fealt like I just told her that there is no such thing as the tooth fairy. So I'm willing to trade anybody.
I'm me, you're not.

That should make you feel 100% better.

"Singing the blues isn't about making yourself feel better, its about making everybody around you feel worse."

(Lisa Simpson)
On Saturday I got blasted off of Scotch at the work holiday party, threw up a couple of times embarrassed myself got home passed out.

Sunday spent the entire day recreating and organizing records for my Father in-laws lovely audit from the IRS with a hangover.
I am a shoe in for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well first of all im in Iraq which makes my life miserable anyway. I work directly with Iraqis every day. My weekend which I wouldn'y have known it was a weekend because everyday is Monday over here. I had ordered my wife flowers for the last day of NOV. They got to her place no problem, however they had no card attatched, minor problem, i just had to explain to her that I got her the flowers because it was the last day of NOV and we only have 2 full months left here in theatre. So no major problem there, just a minor hiccup. Saturday came and again it felt like any other day. I worked with the Iraqis, drank some CHI (thats what the call hot tea) and ate lunch with them. Well to avoid the details of the problems I had that afternoon, lets just say i was running and squirting a lot. I went to bed early because i planned on getting up and watching the Misoouri/Oklahoma game. SO i woke up at 4 in the morning and went to watch the game. As most of us know Misouri lost, so that was the start of my SUnday. Again on Sunday, despite being tired from getting up early, which was my fault anyhow, I went to work with the Iraqis again. This day I decided not to eat with them due to my issues the day before. Overall my weekend sucked, wasnt a weekend and I cant wait to get out of Iraq. O yea BTW I love knives and i deserve this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool contest none the less!!!!
Neat, but I feel that anyone willing to bet a good knife must have had a particularly unbeatably bad weekend!

I had to work for someone at the last minute at the pharmacy, where we did several hundred prescriptions (just while I was there for the first half of the day). I was yelled at by one doctor and 5 patients, all for reasons that were not in my control. It got more interesting but I'll leave out the details.

Then I got to go home and check some grades on tests, which weren't great. On one I 'failed to meet competency' by one point, so I get to retake all of that (at a point setback) during the week of my finals (next week). That afternoon my thermostat gave out in my truck, so I got to try and replace that, along with a belt that was about to fail. Couple hundred bucks there...:mad:

Then sunday I got to appease my girlfriend who was crying all day because she thinks her grandmother has Alzheimer's, and she asked me to go administer some simple tests to get a feel for things. Fun news! Then I got to have dinner with her psychotic family and creepy uncle (a lawyer) who wouldn't stop making sexual references, as well as my GF's amazingly crazy, passive aggressive, pompous mother. The only good part was when I was showing him my new Vic Farmer SAK and he cut his finger because he didn't respect the blade.:D

Then I got to clean up some dog-diarrhea when I got back to my apartment, and finish up the night by studying neuropharm till 1 AM. :rolleyes:

Do I win? :D
Man, I feel bad for all of you!

I actually had a pretty good weekend other than getting stood up by my buddy who was preoccupied puking his brains out following a night of heavy drinking.

Had to play guitar hero by myself.... :(
Ok how this for a F...d up weekend...

The weekend started with a 4:30 pep talk from my boss. Telling me about how I need to get motivated and start selling and spend the week out on the road next week driving around to greenhouses in Michigan that are either 1. Closed. 2. Broke. 3. Broke and closing. well eat my ass...What he doesnt know is that I am motivated...but motivated to find a new job..

then the wife comes home in seems that one of the mothers of one of her students in her class...decided at $4:30 to also send a three page email rant about what a lousy job my wife is doing for her FUBAR kid ( gosh I wish I could swear in this forum) and how it is all my wife fault even though my wife spent more time with this little pickle smoocher than she did with her own children this week. The mom is a psycho and of course she CCs the email to everyone including her attorney, the school principle. the state monitor for Autistic children, santa, Jesus, and every other goddam person she can think of...

an hour after that my 17 year old son starts having people show up at our house for a party that he "forgot" to tell us about that he planned ....they are all hungry and planning on spending the night...all I wanted to do was sit back with some Jose Quervo ...and I end up having to deal with a distraught wife and a house full of teenage boys playing xbox untill 5:00 am...

Saturday wasnt much better with plans on raking the leaves in our back yard but finding the dam yard covered in a inch of iceballs...and of course I have to drive the teenage kids to thier choir concert drop off...yep 45 miles on icy highways...

Saturday night a dinner party with peckerwoods that I cannot stand....polite conversation..about nothing...groan...I hate that... guessed it ...I had a miagrane all day and spent most of the day in bed avoiding bright lights...

Im so happy today I am worried I am not going to die..

Sick baby. Christmas lights. Cleaned the basement, then the shop. No beer.

(Okay, I made up the no beer part.)
Well, I had a birthday on this past Wednesday, and I am now 19. WOOO legal in my province!!! To celebrate me and 4 of my unit buddies went to Montreal for the weekend to celebrate where a friend lives, enabling us to obtain a free place to crash. So, we traveled up by car on Saturday afternoon, but the traffic was terrible due to the snow and lots of cars. About three hours into the drive (almost there!), my buddy who was driving lost control of the car (rear wheel drive and no winter tires :S) and we slammed into the median. I managed to come out unscathed, but a friend who who had the window seat slammed his head so hard against the glass he broke the window. The left side of his face was a complete mess, and blood was everywhere, to add to the problem he started puking on my lap from what we would later learn to be a serious concussion. What a great start to the weekend.

Fortunately, the fella in the front left seat is a medic, so we were able to take care of him until the ambulance arrived. Down to a party of three (the medic rode along in the ambulance), we cabbed from the accident to our friends house in Notre-Dame-De-Grace, out 60 buck for the cab ride we stumbled into our friends place slightly bruised and battered.

Now, to the drinking!! We opened up our slightly battered bags to access our alcohol stash that we got for the weekend. Before our eyes registered what was before us the smell of premium whisky filled our noses. To put the following tragedy into perspective I will list the alcohol contained in the luggage bags:

- 2 Bottles of Macallan 12 single malt
- 3 bottles of Johnnie Walker Black Label (Winston Churchill is crying in is grave)
- My Birthday present from all four friends: 1 Bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label (Hogs, weep with me)

Out of those 6 bottles, only a bottle of Macallan 12 remained unbroken, which was promptly consumed in under a minute between the three of us. Enraged beyond words, we headed for the SAQ (Quebec government run liquor store) and bought 3 bottles of red label to drown our sorrows. After consuming all three bottles it was 7 o'clock, we headed for the bar. Now, I am nowhere near the sponge that our consumption would lead one to believe, so on the way to the local hole in the wall I painted the snow with whisky, smoked meat sandwiches, and stomach acid more than a few times. At the bar, the three of us were determined to drink up the slack created by our fallen brother and the absentee medic. Leaving the bar at about 9, we had consumed enough alcohol to make us quite ill. So, we became quite ill. Now, all three of us, thoroughly drunk, decided that visiting a strip club was in order. We called a cab, and after about three minutes of driving, a friend got sick (all over me of course), and we were booted out into the cold. We walked back to our LZ and passed out before 10, but not before consuming every drop of alcohol in the house: A 24 of Lucky Lager divided 4 ways (the owner of the house arrived home to us drunken ruffians pawing through the place like bears looking for camp food).

All in all, a weekend to be remembered. But, what makes this a truly awful weekend was the way that my head felt the following morning. Cheers y'all and drink responsibly!

EDIT: Oops, I forgot that I have to finish a 25 page paper on the British Raj in India for Wednesday. But, the good news is that our injured comrade is in fine shape minus the facial damage and concussion (AKA he will live :p).
Mother in law came to visit. She's here for the WHOLE month. No beer, no blades, no sleep, and no sanity. My next 2 paychecks that I have not seen are now considered spent after paying for rent I have to help pay for traveling expenses for me, her,.... and her mother to visit more of their relatives. I will most likely have to sell some steel to cover everything. I like steel....... :(
And I thought I had a miserable weekend. Turns out it was only mildly unpleasant. Thanks for the Monday morning uplift, and I hope some of you get karmic upswings!
let me start from Friday. I work at Lowe's and it is Christmas tree season. I worked over the weekend, and we have been extremely understaffed, him so I'll constantly being massively behind, I've had to unload ridiculous quantities of trees, cut them how people pick them out, tried running inside garden, help the understaffed rest of the store especially the helpdesk. pull odors in such,

the highlights Friday I got a speeding ticket while trying to get home for a little rest of my lunch.

Saturday was the normal overstretch, chainsaw you're asked off and throw trees. one on your department is going to hell.

yesterday I picked up a 7 to 8 foot tree to put in the back of a pickup, indented the cab, by swinging the trunk into it, will trying to lock the tree over the side of the pickup, still don't know the results of that one fully.

right now I'm sore all over, have massive housework to keep up on, impact work began on Tuesday.

That should about cover it. I might amend this when I figure out what happened with the truck.

p.s. I was actually woken up a number of times last night, with nightmares about that dam tree lot.
Does it have to be THIS weekend? If not, here's my story from back in April - April 6th-8th (Easter weekend):

1: On Tuesday, A woman backs into our front bumper, causes minor damage with her tow-hitch. At least the air-bags didn't go off. On Good Friday I get a call from CSAA (AAA in California), saying that they see this a lot, and there is a good possibility that the other driver will say I rear-ended HER, even though we have witnesses stating otherwise. "Get ready for a long fight . . . " Great way to start a weekend. (The lady is really nice, later takes full responsibility.)

2: I had shingles, started the week before, didn't catch it in time, was full blown by Good Friday. Full rash, can't sleep, can't be around people, the pain was something to behold, I'll tell you. (3 to 4 vicoden a day just to be tolerable.) Easter Sunday - can't go to church, can't cook, can't shower, family & friends can't come to dinner that evening, bacsue, well, I'M there.. (I REALLY wanted to kill something about right then . . . )

3: I email my doctor about a small, annoying pain in my abdomen, then I ignore it, thinking it's just something related to the shingles; later, found out it was crystals starting in my kidneys, that turned into kidney stones in late May.

4: The worst part: My grandmother dies. Yes, on Easter morning. She's in a nursing home in North Carolina, and as the nurses are going through their morning routine with her, she starts to fade. They do what they can, but by the time the onsite physician gets to her room, she's gone. My dad debated on whether to call me then, or tell me later, but he decided to go ahead and let me know. I was glad he did, but boy, it hurt. And, of course, I can't travel, so I can't go to the memorial. :(

This is all true. Even my friends who remember it still can't believe that weekend. We call this my "frog weekend". You know - the saying, "Eat a live frog in the morning and nothing worse can happen to you the rest of the day"? Well, I don't figure I can have a worse week than Easter weekend of 2007.

thx - cpr
Two inches of snow Friday, 2 inches of snow Saturday, 8 inches of snow Sunday.

12 hours of Christmas shopping Saturday.

Ok, I guess I only thought I had it bad.

Alright, Dan, confession is good for the soul: How bad was your weekend?
Ok here it goes....

Last week I took my car in for a full engine tune up, coolant flush...the works, on Friday my wife notices a green puddle under the car. A quick trip back to the Garage confirmed that I now need a new Radiator !!!!Fitted Saturday, Mega bucks total just before christmas !!!!!:mad:

Secondly we had a big dumping of snow and the temperature plumetted, Iv'e got warm gear so no biggie for me however the coat I had on order for my faithfull pooch failed to turn up in time so she spent the weekend cold and wet....not that she seemed to mind though !!!:D

Thirdly the wife dragged me around the shops for hours to help her find a new outfit for her christmas we have any idea when it comes to fashion !!!:confused:

Another big dissapointment for me over the weekend was that the wife was going to buy me the new release from Scrapyard knives for christmas as I wanted a small edc, anyways they announced the new release yesterday and it's another great monster good what-so-ever for me to carry on my hikes when trying to hike now I have nothing to look forward to from my wife for christmas !!!!:(

Sunday I found out my wood pile lean -to is leaking and now thanks to all the heavy rain and snow all my nice dry winter supply of wood for my stove is now all soaked through !!!:grumpy:

And finally, and this is by far the worst......due to the time of year I was forced by my wife to sit and webcam with my mother-in law back in England for 15 stomach was feeling dodgy from too many christmas beers the night before anyway and then I had to stare at her for 15 minutes as well !!!!!!!!!:eek:

Anyways that was my weekend in a nut-shell !:thumbdn:
Friday at 4 we learned we have to get in CS1 audit for some parts at the shop. This means we had to make new work instruction and forms, to put together 5 working stations and who is the sucker who got in all weekend?


The engineering student who had the worst paycheck in the company, that doesn't have overtime paid (only can take it as vacations) and who does the job nobody wants to do instead of learning to be an engineer. I'm bored of telling people who get 10$ more than me per hour how to do their job. I'm just cheap labour. Cheap labour who worked both days.

Also, I'm in a rented room and the roomate is a real looser. No job, don't go to school and don't do any kind of exercise. All he does is Playstation until 1 AM and the walls are so crappy I hear everything.

Then another roomate came this weekend. The guy is 50 years old, bug smoker. Why would a 50 yo guy rent a room with guys in their 20s? He stinks. After 3 days I did not even see his towel or soap in the bathroom. I'm surrounded by loosers, and this place is way too sall for 3.

So from now, job sucks, room sucks, what next? Social and sexual life.

I have no social life. I'm on a 4 month training in industry and I'm far from everyone I know. So all my real friend turned into Internet friends. And girls? Looks like all the girls here are teasers. "What? How could I know that sleeping close to you and touching you would make you horny?" (She REALLY told me that).
Then that girl that sounds ok, that tells me she had sex all weekend but she won't have with me.

Oh, and last night's burger wasn't good. My crap was liquid and stinky this morning. After my 2 hours night because of insomnia.

And that was before the snowstorm.

And did I say my car has problems to start and when it's cold the driver's door don't close right? And my winter carpets are 300km away?