This must be where the DEKs hang out, eh?

Evidently the DEK3 doesn't appeal to some! Looking mighty fine to me when I fondle them :p

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Hot damn. One of my biggest cpk regerts right there. Came aboard a bit before that pre-order and wasnt yet in tune with what was going on. That, not buying the ecam behemother that stared at me on the site for days,,,,, the uf2 tanto & a decked out dek 3 Dan offered me that I foolishly passed on…. fuuuuuuugde. No regerts my ass.
New double red canvas pants for me DEK

My CPK wish list recently got one shorter.

Like a lot of folks here, I have been searching for a DEK3. There are not that many in circulation relative to demand and they seldom get listed on the exchange. I was specifically looking for a basic tumbled one in D3V to be user because I can’t bring myself to use my fancy pre-ordered one.

When the new one arrived last week, I immediately put it to good use in the kitchen to start breaking it in on some salad fixings.


My wife and I have used our AEB-L DEK1 as a paring knife many times with no complaints about it’s effectiveness in that role. The DEK3 takes slicing to the next level with its thinner blade stock and hollow grind.


I have yet to try it on some wood notching or whittling. I’ll post some photos and comments down the road when I do. In the meantime, I did a scale swap to some OD TeroTuf which is one of my favorite choices for users. I also went through my sheath inventory and found an old JouFuu that fits it perfectly.



It’s is ironic that I have five DEK’s now because I quickly rejected and sold my first DEK1 years ago as not a good fit for me compared to the FK2 I was so accustomed to using at the time. Thankfully I wised up and gave it another chance which led to this…



P.S. - Good luck to those of you still hunting for a DEK3. Hang in there, it is worth the effort!
Not my cleanest work but I used my DEK3 this morning to trim some wax for a letter. I suppose the imperfect seal matches the imperfect script contained within. Sometimes, letter writing is a sublime affair, at others, it is less than ideal.
