Tuesday sale July 5th!

#9513, 2.7 OD green canvas/kydex with black oxide and a 4.7 in black canvas and green kydex, black oxide :D
Wow so more than 24 orders some including multiples. At least we are looking forward to some production numbers!
I think that one may have been a record. I took a quick call and then refreshed the page, then freaked out worried that I had messed something up because the inventory was back to zero.
Wow so more than 24 orders some including multiples. At least we are looking forward to some production numbers!

Don't forget that the sequential order numbers include both the 2.7 and the 4.7 models which were purchased today. Plus also remember that there are a few people who stakeout the Mondays sales and then sell their stuff on eBay. I don't think those usual suspects post on here though!
Yes CS just a rough number. But something none the less.

I bet that the total number of units which were available today is a trade secret that Ellie will not divulge. Nevertheless as I keep saying, the sound of Cha-Ching is very good for serotonin and possibly oxytocin ;)
I bet that the total number of units which were available today is a trade secret that Ellie will not divulge. Nevertheless as I keep saying, the sound of Cha-Ching is very good for serotonin and possibly oxytocin ;)

I think the sound of the mailman driving away is the better of the two for her.

They have no problem selling!
Order #9492, really looking forward to owning a S!K again. Had to sell all 4 of mine last year to pay medical fees.
Last Friday all the action was on the Carothers subforum and today all of the nut cases, including yours truly, are all gathered in here! Oh Lordie, please help us!
Anyone get 3V? Wondered if 20CV was the only batch that came in this week.
Haha I wasn't paying attention at all today...too many non-knife toys to wade in this week but it's good to see more coming out. When the 3.5 & or the 6's hit I'll be in trouble! Congrats to those who scored! Be sure to post pics!!!
Was hoping for a 2.7, but apparently was too late at 8:03. :(

Oh well, here's hoping next week goes better!
Ok I am a little pissed. How did you guys find out about the sale!?? I never got an email or anything. And I logged of of FB because F facebook