......Update on the new model for TKI







^ Oh my god. My new grail. The ti scales are sexy on there and the grinds are amazing! Those handles look ergonomic as hell. Great design fellas!
I KNEW the pointy one would be awesome.

They all look sweet!

Now laser an N2K on the pointiest one (or just flip it over and show its already done) and you know where to ship it. :)
Truly an Amazing Final product and a blast to watch some of the steps. Solidly "RHK" in appearance but an original at the same time.
Quite a design/execution accomplishment :thumbup:
The WF is stunning on that one!

That did it!!!! I'm penciling in TKI '15. First the liner locks and now these....for even a chance, a hint of a chance at one..I'm planning for TKI.
Wow-just wow! Those are gorgeous!

I sure wish I was going to TKI to see them in person.
I haven't stopped staring at the WF yet. I have a weakness for three(3) things.... Hinderer knives, working finish and Skinners.

Imagine where I'm at right now :eek:
I love seeing the progress and the finished product! Fantastic job RHK, they look so freaking awesome! I got an idea, Let's have a forum lottery:)!!!
These all Ti TKI pieces look like Monsters! Dual Ti scales, dual finger grooves, dual puddles of drool and handfulls of wish/want. Name idea...from all this? Hinderer TKI Ti Monster(s).???