Video status

Oct 12, 1999
Craig, I know you're a busy fellow, so I'm in no way trying to apply pressure (well, maybe a little) but I'm curious as to how the video project is going? How about bringing us up to date regarding its status? I know I speak for other forumites when I say that I'm REALLY, REALLY looking forward to it!!!!!!!!!!
Steven et al:

So far, we've gotten past the introduction, cutting, and are now in to the forging stage. We've got sheath making, the puja, chakmak and karda making, interviews with various bishwakarmas to get through. We edit every wednesday night from 6:00 to 10:00, so it's a bit slow going. I'd hire somebody to edit for me, but they wouldn't know what they were looking at and could edit out something important.

I do have ONE tape available of the first five minutes of semi-finished tape, and I'll probably mail it to Blackdog (because he's the co-moderator), and then let him make his rounds with the tape as he sees fit. That'll wet your wistle. We can let the tape circulate among the forumites as long as whoever has it will watch it and then forward it to someone else. I have NO idea how to do this fairly, so I'm just going to do it - Blackdog, you're first. I'd suggest that we register here below if we want to see it. Whoever gets it from blackdog (the first person who registers below) must commit to mailing it to the next person on the list.

PLEASE: Don't sign up unless you can promise to mail it to the next recipient. And IF this should get screwed up and get lost, please don't be angry (what I'm trying to say is that just because we make a list doesn't mean that Murphy over at UPS will not act to foil our plans).

So, without further ado, let the sign up begin (please no other comments here - just the roster please). And FYI: there's only about 4 minutes on the tape.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
I've got the VCR all warmed up. Just have to put the popcorn in the micro-wave and I'm ready to roll.


I would like the video after Steven PLEASE
Steven, e-mail me when you are ready to send it, and I'll give you my address.

Rick Carignan
Clackamas, OR
Please put me on the list after Rick. I will definitly send it on to the next person requesting it.
Patti @ IDB
Glad a few of your are interested. I'll send the video out to blackdog on Thursday morning. We have an editing session tomorrow, and I want to give you all about 8 or 10 minutes of footage to see. Right now, I have about 6 minutes.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
We're 15 minutes into the video, and that "trailer" I promised will go out to Blackdog today. It's not in "finished" form yet, so excuse rough edits, blips, etc. Also, I ask two things of all viewers: 1) that you refrain from making copies of the trailer and 2) that you post comments on what you thought of the footage.

There's stuff of Lalit and TB having a production meeting, weighing steel, measuring and cutting, and forging. Lots of cool stuff.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
Video actually went out to Blackdog yesterday. It's rough, but it gives you an idea, content wise, what to expect.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor

Got the video on Wednesday afternoon. haven't had time to watch it yet. I've been meeting myself coming in the door the last few days. Big FAA regional inspection starting Monday and everyone is working overtime to get everything 'spit-shined" for the Feds.

I'll watch it tomorrow morning then send it off to Steven ASAP.


Need your addy. E-mail it to me, OK?

OK, here's the list for the video so far. Be sure to send your shipping address to the person shown above you on the list.

Steven F
RA Carignan
Shrike 9

Steven F - I need your address so I can send the tape on to you.

Folks, you will be amazed. You'll see a length of truck spring transformed into a Khukuri before your eyes and the only thing automated in the whole clip is the wrist-watch that one of the BK's is wearing.

I suggest you pick up one of your Khukuris before watching the video. Look at the Khuk; I mean REALLY look at it and feel the fit and finish on it. Then, while holding the Khuk, pop the tape into your VCR. You're gonna keep asking yourself "How'd they do that???"..

The quality and content of the footage rate a definite TWO THUMBS UP.


[This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 07-09-2000).]
Yeah! My first video review. And thanks, Blackdog, for not panning the rough state of the footage. The final product is going to be really polished. Not a lot of sexy music and effects, but clean, smooth transitions and no shaky camera shots.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor

Steven e-mailed me and asked that I forward the video to the next person in line as he would be traveling for a while. It's now on its way to Rick Carignan. He should have it tomorrow.

Craig and Al,

Good news, just picked up my mail and the video was waiting for me. Will watch it tonight, and then get it mailed to the next in line.
