Walking Dead Season 5 (HEADS UP: Possible Episode Spoilers May Be Posted Within)

It was a great season finale...I kept thinking a major character was going to bite it and was glad when nobody did (except porchdick).

Now I am ready to see the spinoff. Seems I read it was going to be more character driven and less zombie interaction ...which will spoil the fun for me. But if it is the same quality production, writers, etc, it should be good.
We are the only ones obsessing over that knife. The rest of the world hardly noticed and the show has moved on. Busse will sue if it feels the need to.

I'm still of the opinion that something occurred to cause this situation. We will, probably, never know. C'est la vie.... Life goes on... Bring on that L.A. Show to pass the time 'till next season!

It's not so much that they changed it in the show, but that they had the TG in the Entertainment Weekly photos from the mid-season break. Just poor planning and execution on their part. And if I sound like I nag a lot, which you didn't say but I understand if you think it, it's only cause I don't like when shows change continuity and thing a like it without explanation, or try and pass it over like they didn't change it.

Also I'm excited for the LA show to fill my summer with zombies! :)

Drew , busse has been notified of the copyright infringement and said they are going to pursue legal action. Hopefully this forces the TWD production team to change his knife to something better

Yay! Let's hope it works to fix this continuity screw up!
I kinda like the concept of the Southern Grind knives, from what little I've read. But is it piss-poor on the TWD team to bring in a Southern Grind knife that looks like a poor-ass chinese copy of the TGLB. If they had gone full on cheap-o like Bear Grylls it would be better than what they've done with a half-assed TGLB look-alike. I really hope Busse sticks the screws to the people responsible. Even if it means the TWD production crew will never have anything else to do with a Busse product.

I'm really looking forward to the LA series. It has the potential to really end up adding to the regular TWD series if they work it right. And at least, maybe it will continually be offset from TWD so there is more of a year-round supply of zombie-apocalypse TV fodder.
I'm like you, rockspyder, and want year round zombies. Maybe TWD and FTWD will run fall and spring while the other runs summer and winter. I'd be okay with that. It'd be nice, considering it'd allow me to keep my Sunday night zombie ritual alive and well year round!
Wolfes: (knifes)
OK so far they seem evil.
However I like their use of sound to use Walkers for defensive/trapping purposes.

Rick and others have used sound before on occasion but not to that extend.
Why? They seem to have electricity and could use sound to guide walkers away from the settlement into a trap where they could dispose of them or use them for different things.

Are the wolves generally smarter? That would make them a scarier opponent than just their evilness.
My wife actually found those pics, and I cracked up when I saw them. I felt like this was the perfect place to post them.:D
I couldn't download them fast enough. That whole pose of Rick just makes me smile. Some may say gangster style, not me it's kinda like a Robert Deniro / Clint Eastwood mix between "You talkin' to me" and " Go ahead, make my day" sorta pose that intimidates all who encounter it. Reminds me of the time he killed that cop after running him down with his own patrol car......I'm gunna shoot you in the head and then tell your dead corpse to "Shut up". Gotta love it......you mess with Rick and Co.....you gettin deader than doodoo.
He's definetly got some finesse when it comes to killing zombies and living douches. Don't mess with Rick Grimes!
Yes sir! I'd give a few of my neighbors a chance, but they're be one strike and done!*

Daryl dropped it at Terminus, outside the rail car. My thoughts are that we weren't supposed to notice the change to the Southern Grind Blood whatever. It's a shame though, cause the Team Gemini just looks better and classier. Something about it makes it feel right in place in the show and apocalypse. Still think that the Busse shop should sue Southern Grind for theft of design or something.*

Far as I can tell this is between Busse and Woodburry or the designer, southern grind guys wouldnt be dumb enough to put their name on anything and go up against Busse! Especially with that blood whatever ha ha

"If you aint movin forward, you're dead"
Okay, in that case; it'll be interesting to see which knife Daryl is using in the upcoming Season 6 of the show.