Want do you all do for a living?

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Well, for starters, I work as:

- System Administrator for an ISP here in the Philippines. (graveyard shift)
- President of PPTN, non-stock, non-profit organization
- Webmaster for various sites
- SysOp of 10 years (whew!) for a BBS locally.
- part-time SOLO/Slaloms race driver
- part-time rally driver/navigator
- part-time race mechanic

Last, but not least, a single parent for my 3-year old daughter named Dianne! and damn proud of it too!

I've always been fascinated by knives, and I'm glad to see that there are a lot of people who shares a common interest, too!

From computers, to cars, to cutlery, what more could a guy ask for?

- Dan

Knife Knuts = Great Minds Think Alike!

[This message has been edited by Dannyc (edited 24 February 1999).]
- Full time Husband to a great gal.
- Full time Mechanical Engineer – Design dry gas valves for the medical industry.
- Obedient servant boy to my spoiled cat.
- Part time saxophone player.
- Part time Aikido instructor.

Take care,
I am a freelance photographer, and while I do a little of almost everything, most of my work is for labor organizations and publications.
I have been toting since 12 years old (60 now) and the only kind of knife I have ever carried, including in the military, has been some form of multitool: Boy Scout, SAK, Leatherman (varieties of each.) I can't imagine how anyone not surrounded by tools all day can get along without one. I use mine multiple times every day, whether I need to or not ;-)
Is this ALL the responce I am going to get. We only have about 130-135 people that not even 10%. Come we can do better then that.
How bout you new guys?

-Greg Johnson

NAG, NAG, NAG, - oops, sorry, thought it was honey-do weekend time again.

You're right, gregj62, only a portion of us forumites have posted to this one. It's still a pretty long thread though. Ok, I'll make it 10.01%.

I'm a husband to a wonderful wife, father to two beautiful teenage girls, and do computer work for a living.

This thread passes on to the next procrastinator who hasn't posted here yet
Former musician: had two beutiful daughters, so now chef at an upscale catering co. and part time tennis pro. I can now train them to be as high maintenence as their mother( She'd kill me if she saw that) Also can't wait to show prospective boyfriends my gun and knife collection and silver-plated shovel HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I hope they think I'm CRAZY

Rock On!

I work for my wife who owns the no.1
cleaning service in this town. Not much
pay but she does have great benefits!
also sell knives part time when boss is
not looking.
I'm a full time routing engineer for an ISP to remain nameless, as well as a full-time knife junkie.

Um, also...SWM, 25, Non smoker, non drinker, hobbies are...

Oops. Wrong forum. :0
I'm a part-time student, full-time crew rower at Umass
. In the summer, I make and sell the world's best icecream.

I'm with you on those prospective boyfriends. That's the ticket. Be sure to tell them how you like to make your knives shavin sharp.

Bwaaahaahaahaa! Works for me.


What's the longest thread so far? Are we getting close on this one?
I am a:
Full time happy Husband
former USArmy (7th SF grp. "candystriper")
former US Marine. (Armorer, Weapons Traing Bn. and Marine Corps. Security Forces)
Part time custom gunsmith with loads of people bugging me to go full time.)
Part time Shooting Instructer. No certs, but I only get get paid for visible results. (I always get paid.
Full time I repair damaged/worn Commercial Aircraft control surfaces and cowlings. (Think about that next time you fly!)
Objectivist Philosopher. (Ayn Rand got it right.)
Favorite authors, Ayn Rand, Robert Heinlein, Patrick McManus.
Competitive Archer. Coached my wife to Arkansas Women's State Champion in 97. Haven't gotten the big plaque for myself yet.
Also write terrible poetry. This can be forgiven, as I have the incredible good taste to NEVER show it to anyone!

My wife and I also raise foundling baby squirrels to re-introduce into the wild. not because it's PC, it's just loads of FUN! Except when they decide not to leave home and just move into the attic.

I cut it, and I cut it, and it's STILL too short!

I am a college student majoring in Youth and Family Ministries and also work as a troubleshooter for computers and some networking.
Ok, I tried to avoid posting here, but you've worn me down. I too am a college student (hey Burke, I was just over at UMASS-A for a dylan concert, did you go? - used to row crew, but i "quit"
). Did some work unloading trucks and moving stuff in warehouses, nothing major, hoping for a cushy internship this summer.

Also a martial artist since I was about 7 or 8, I occassionaly teach at my old school or kickboxing classes at college. Possible major in humanities or Econ (or somethinge!), but an engineer and tinkerer at heart!

[This message has been edited by pk (edited 03 March 1999).]
Well , this post will make me an "official member" and I won't have to look at jr. member anymore .
I am married with children ( 1 kid , Several national champion dogs ).
For a paycheck , I go to Jail ( Correction Officer in a maximum security facility )
I also do car restorations in what little spare time I have .

C.O.'s-"It takes balls to work behind the walls "
I'm a recently retired geek(Unix/NT), soon to be a geeky consultant; and a blacksmith wannabe (just so I can develop enough skill to be a bladesmith wannabe).
at Home: boyfriend of a very tolerant woman
father to a chocolate lab
at work: Sales Specialist - Spyderco, Inc.
handle all of the U.S. distributors
at play: fly fishing, hiking, snowbording

This is fun!

1st: Husband and father (fantastic wife and two beautiful boys, 3yrs/2mos.).

2nd: Technical Recruiter (my friends call me a Techno Pimp).

3rd: Goju practitioner preparing for nidan exam this summer.

4th: Amateur knifemaker (Rob, those blades are coming!)

I am a Computer Technical Support Specialist. (Tried to make that sound as good as possible. hehehe) I also like to ride MX and collect BM knives. -AR

P.S. I loooove 4X4 trucks, ...and the women that drive them.hehehe -AR
Full time Police Officer/SWAT-SNIPER.

Part Time Knife Maker,Tactical types in chisel grind only

Rodeo-Love roping those steers, biggeswt challenge of my life.
I'm a nursing assistant, usually on an alzheimer's unit. In six months, I'll be a nursing student. I'm also an aspiring musician, poolshark (maybe someday), and a PROUD uncle of two incredible kids. I wonder if there's some kind of career that involves
playing with knives while shooting pool..I'm
available to start ASAP if anyone wants to hire me!!!
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