What other Knives AREN'T available -or- What kind of knives should the Kamis make?

Mar 8, 1999
Tallwingedgoat inspired me to ask this question - what cutting impliments are people interested in that ARE NOT reliably available in this country? The reason I ask is that we are always looking for additional lines of knives to import (cheap tourist BS need not apply, as I am sure it does not with you all either). I'm already working on another import project for a friend that I think will be exciting, but I wanted to get your opinions.

OR, what kind of knives would you like to see the Kamis make? Lalit has expressed his desire to start branching out and getting the kamis to use their skills to make other knives.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
How about some traditional kyber pass knives? I can't think of their names but Phil Hartsfield has made some as example. Also I would really like to see a good using sword at a good using price.

Did you get my e-mail about 2 weeks ago about improved kardas?

How about those Jimbayas (sp?). Arab curved daggers.

I'll be going in the opposite direction to many of the forumites on this one. I'd like to see a set containing:

A Bowie/Fighter - Blade in the 8" range. Pretty much the same size as the Mini-Jungle. In fact, the only real difference from the Mini-Jungle would be a straight blade instead of the curved forward Khukuri style. Same width and thickness.

A Hunter/Skinner/Utility - Blade length somewhere in the 3 1/2" to 4" range. Overall length about 8 1/2" to 9". Pretty much a downsized mini-jungle. Again, a straight, not curved, blade. Blade width and thickness in proportion to size. A good 5" handle, something to grab on to.

Both would have wood handles. I don't think a full width tang is necessary on the Hunter/Skinner, but would probably be a good option on the Bowie/Fighter.

The set would make a nice compliment to my khuk's and would certainly see their fair share of use.

I am with Blackdog on this one. A set of straight blades would be very welcome.

I also always fancied owning a good short sword. Something along the lines of a Roman Gladius. I don't know how practical this is but i would welcome any feedback.
Tallwinged one: Yes, I did get the email, and that is "in the works." Our last shipment contained greatly improved scabbards, and now we'll set out to work on the Chakma and Karda.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor

Yeah, something along those lines. I think if you take the basic Mini-Jungle, make the spine of the blade straight for stabbing/slashing instead of curved for chopping, and keep all blade dimensions the same, it would make a hell of a Fighter or small Bowie. I'll try to draw one up and post it. It'll be crude, but you'll get the idea.

Blackdog: Oh, do post. Speaking of drawings, A customer sent me this one:


What do you think of this handle design? He envisions a WWII blade as the canvas.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor

[This message has been edited by Craig Gottlieb (edited 22 November 1999).]
What about"

Something similar to a Cold Steel Shovel.

A large sickle.

Also, properly heat treated pry bars for moving rocks are always in demand.

Craig, since Gurkha House is first and foremost a khukuri outlet, I think its first priority should be to develop its khukuri line. Admitedly, my khukuri background is limited, but it appears to me that there are a number of khuk variations that GH does not presently offer on a standing basis. Before seriously getting into non-khuk knives, I'd personally like to GH offer a wider selection of khuks.

I agree with Stephen. What I like about my khukuri is the way the blade chops and I would be more interested in a wider variety of khuks. I really like the handle of the picture Craig posted. I did not get in on the WWIII thing, but I would REALLY like a more Americanized khukuri with a bead blasted blade and a less traditional handle with good grip. My panawal slips a little when my hand sweats and bottom flair digs into my palm a little. The micarta handle sounds pretty good. I'm looking more for function than collection value, and am not planning to battle anytime soon.

Here's a rough sketch of the Fighter/Bowie and the Hunter/Skinner/utility I'd like to see.




[This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 23 November 1999).]
Blackdog, I like it and share your high regard for the minijungle. I would take one if your protype gets the go ahead.


AKTI #A000356

PS. Maybe just a tad bit more on the belly would be nice.

[This message has been edited by sing (edited 23 November 1999).]
Guys: I think you are right after thinking about your comments - we need to expand our line of khukuris. I think that the WWIII has been educational for me because it has set the groundwork for a regular line of "east-meets-west" khukuris. Blackdog's design, and the one I posted, would be nice "next steps."

I am planning a trip to Nepal in 2000 in part to hand-carry some samples of knives that contain the attributes that we'd like to see in future models. I'm going to be taking a bowie among other things, to give the kamis an idea of the handle. I'm also going to be taking a big stack of micarta, which will give them plenty of material to fashion handles with. If the WWIII project has taught me one thing - it's to do as much of the work under one roof as possible. As such, I think future iterations of the WWIII will be bead blasted, as I understand that you can bead blast a whole knife - handle included. What else should I take?

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
Please! take a short sword. I am partial to wakizashis but can be flexible. A slight curve and two handed grip and I will be happy. As far as bowies go I like the overall design of the CS trailmaster for blade shape. The handle could use some improvement though. Any thoughts on the Kyber pass type knives.
Craig, I'd like to see GH carry a mid-range chopper. Something between the 15" Panawal and the 20" AK -- something like an 18" AK. I placed a Christmas order for two extra-heavy 18" Panawals, so my need for a chopper of intermediate size will certainly be taken care of. But, I suspect that there are other folks out there who would be interested in something in-between the Panawal and the big AK.

[This message has been edited by Steven F (edited 24 November 1999).]