What's going on in your shop? Show us whats going on, and talk a bit about your work!

Man! Wood cancer is beautiful!!!

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My latest for a friend. African Blackwood and 1084

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Well this sux. Split the right scale trying to get a lanyard tube in gluing this set of scales. Not sure if I'm just going to try and repair it and let it ride or not. It's a gift to a guy up the road.

Well this sux. Split the right scale trying to get a lanyard tube in gluing this set of scales. Not sure if I'm just going to try and repair it and let it ride or not. It's a gift to a guy up the road.


It sucks when stuff like that happens but, if you haven't had to grind a handle off and start over, you haven't made very many knives! ;)
Since blue is the new red I'm having a go at it between brass and new-silver liners.
A Puukko with a classic big butt
(or wide hips if you prefer to call it like that)
The handle will be boxwood the steel in Niolox

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What's the wood?

Natural tiger maple. So far it's not too bad. It's going to be a gift so think I'm gonna leave it. Don't really want to, but don't really want to grind it off. I got some rusty steel roofing from the guy I'm giving it to, so a small blemish I don't think he'll care. He doesn't even know I'm giving it to him. The blade's not perfect either.
Hand sanding?

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It'll make me look dumb but I'll tell the story on the off chance it'll keep someone else from making the same dumb move. I was running a 9" chef vertical, point down on a scotch brite belt. I rolled it too far up over the idler wheel and the belt caught the corner of the heel/choil. Instantly shot the blade into the palm of my hand point first. Without exaggerating at all it literally went almost all the way through. The bone and skin on the back side of my hand stopped it.
Think about what you're doing and try to think a step ahead. I lucked out big time and didn't hit any tendons. Could have been way worse.

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Man that sucks, but you are right it could have been worse and shot the knife into your chest! Glad you are semi-ok

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