Why does my cat Smokey always watch me make coffee?

Seriously what's his deal?

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David Mary

pass the mustard - after you cut it
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 23, 2015
Disclaimer: I tidied up his dinner nook after that pic.

I see you capitalized "Cats". Currying favor with the New Cat Order are we?
Cats are creatures of routine. You probably also have your own routine and the coffee making is part of it. The fact that your cat takes interest in any part of your routine at all says a lot.

Your cat loves you enough to be interested in the things that you do even it's not related in any way to food or giving it affection or attention or cleaning the litter box.

It's because it's something that you're doing. And there's likely something about your behavior that signals to the cat that it's a significant activity to you in some way. You're interested in it, and so that cat is too.

Cats often pick a favorite person. You might be that person. Does the cat try to follow you into the bathroom, and does it get mad if you shut the door, leaving the cat on the outside unable to get to you?

Or, you know... it could just be that you're doing something in the kitchen. And that's where all the food is. So the cat just kind of hangs around hoping that you'll break out some food that the cat can beg for. 🤷‍♂️
I feel like I recognize that guy. Is he an actor or wrestler
I feel like I recognize that guy. Is he an actor or wrestler
Kurt Angle

He was a very talented wrestler, then ended up going into the WWE.

Won a Gold medal in the Olympics despite a broken neck.

I just thought it funny that his stare is sorta similar to what a cat does.

We have two cats, and they do a great job keeping mice in check. They are not as handsome as yours tho!
Instant coffee, hot water.
Guy McVer, thank you for the very thoughtful reply. As much as this was only meant to be a silly post for entertainment purposes, your reply reads as someone who knows cats first hand.

Cats are creatures of routine. You probably also have your own routine and the coffee making is part of it.


The fact that your cat takes interest in any part of your routine at all says a lot.

Your cat loves you enough to be interested in the things that you do even it's not related in any way to food or giving it affection or attention or cleaning the litter box.

This is true. He follows me around a fair bit, and sometimes I feel bad, like when I am using the computer, or honing knives and taking photos. He will often circle around meowing at me or get the zoomies and I will have to just keep repeating "Not at this time Smokey"...

It's because it's something that you're doing. And there's likely something about your behavior that signals to the cat that it's a significant activity to you in some way. You're interested in it, and so that cat is too.

This tracks. Never thought of it this way before.

Cats often pick a favorite person. You might be that person.

I'm definitely his favorite person. I'm the only person! 🤣 Lucky for me, too (in this regard, anyway), because he loves everyone, and if he had more options I don't know how that would look for me! :oops: But I do a lot to make him feel happy and loved, so who knows. 🤷‍♂️

Does the cat try to follow you into the bathroom, and does it get mad if you shut the door, leaving the cat on the outside unable to get to you?

Let's just say if his name weren't Smokey it could be "Supervisor".

Or, you know... it could just be that you're doing something in the kitchen. And that's where all the food is. So the cat just kind of hangs around hoping that you'll break out some food that the cat can beg for. 🤷‍♂️

Well there is always that side of it too!
Well you're obviously doing something right. If you're worried about your cat being bored, then you could always rescue another one from a shelter so that he has some company, but it's a tricky thing... Instead of being stoked about having another cat to hang out with and play, your existing cat just might get jealous of the new cat. I've seen it happen more than once. Cats can get very territorial about their owners when it comes to other cats.