**WINNER** 2014 Year End GAW


I would like 737. My safe full of knives was stolen during my last move while active duty. My favorite knife was a William Henry auto. As I rebuild my collection, my favorite knife is my Sebenza. I have never had a fixed blade for EDC. I was issued some type of bayonette as well as a wooden handle 'survival knife'--both in the stolen safe.

EDIT: I wanted to add a 'thank you' for doing this GAW and wish everyone good luck!
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I know this is a very busy time of year for people, knife makers doubly so, with orders and all.

I was curious if the numbers are going to be updated, or if we should update our sigs with our sought numbers regardless of whether the list has been updated yet or not?

Major: My condolences on your loss, and my sincerest Thanks for your service to our country!
I know this is a very busy time of year for people, knife makers doubly so, with orders and all.

I was curious if the numbers are going to be updated, or if we should update our sigs with our sought numbers regardless of whether the list has been updated yet or not?

Major: My condolences on your loss, and my sincerest Thanks for your service to our country!

Thanks Bill. I am still battling with the insurance company. Those Tulsa, OK thieves hit the 'jack pot' with my trailer! They got 15 handguns, my watch collection, jewelry, SnapOn tools and pretty much everything else I liked. The good news is, for the most part, it can all be replaced.

And....you are welcome for my service (it was a good time)...so thank you for paying your taxes! :)

I finally understand whats up with all those similar signatures I keep seeing coming by :rolleyes:

I'd love to be in, thanks for this amazingly generous giveaway!

I had a quick look and it seems #676 is still available?

My favorite knife is my Fiddleback Forge Bushboot by far, I mean, just look at it!




Other then for how it looks & cuts I particularly like it for it's size. It's a lot of knife but in a very compact and easy to carry package, especially icw that Rick Lowe sheath in the first pic. As long as I'm awake this knife is on me.

Happy holidays everyone!
I'm in! I would like #411 (it was open on the chart, I'll take any other number if that one is taken)

My favorite knife is my Fantoni HB 02, because, quite frankly, it feels like no other knife I've ever handled. I think it is pretty amazing. And as I use it more I appreciate it more.
I'd like #773 if it's still available; it's open on the chart... if it's taken I can pick again. My favorite knife is my RD-9... drop me anywhere in the world with it and my .45-70, and I like my chances.

Hey if this great GAW is still on ill take #900. Favorite edc has been my daniel fairly Ti backpacker. Its light and can't even notice it in the pocket.
First, thanks for offering this giveaway - extremely generous of you! I'd like to take #122 as long as it's still available (I checked, but could have made a mistake).

Favorite style knife at the moment (changes quite a bit) - some of the more "rustic" bowies with strong hamons and some forge marks. For example, some by Ben Seward and Claudio Sobral (don't own one and didn't want to copy images without permission).
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I would like #255 if available.
My current favorite is the Vox Rold. Awesome for camp chores super dependable.

This is my first post and I have to admit it was because of the High Uinta That I'm here. I started making knives this summer because my scouts wanted to learn. I'm addicted! I would love to show up to a meet and learn the real trade.

I'll post a pic as soon as I can figure out how.


Top is the Boker version of the Rold. Bottom is a small puuko I am making for a coworker who is retiring.
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I'll take 589 if available

My favorite knife is NMFBM, this is a beastly chopper, but more importantly fits my hand perfect and does not tire me much unlike other big choppers. Perfectly designed big blade.

Thanks everyone for participating... this is getting close to the end, David has it in his hands working on the sheath. I will get the numbers organized in the next day or two.

Get your name in before Dec 31st (2014) if you want a chance to win!!!
... Ryan
Thanks again for the generosity Ryan and best of luck throughout the new year.
Gaaah! I can't wait to see who wins this!


You're awesome, Ryan. What an excellent giveaway.
I would like #814 if it's available, thanks! My favorite knife is my benchmade auto spike, just because I have had it for so long and it has seen some interesting times and events. Thanks so much for putting this on, I hope to one day get a RyanW bird and trout, and make it my new favorite knife!
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Im in and would like #765. My favorite knife right now is my AG Russel Acies 2. Therez not too many titanium framelocks that I consider to be the perfect size, but this one jus5 seemz to do it for me.
Updating all numbers right now, I apologize for not being on top of this... I used a format that required much more time to update than anticipated. I will be putting up a new list of names and numbers, and will contact anyone that needs to make adjustments to their numbers. Thank you for your patience and good luck to everyone!

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I would like 737. My safe full of knives was stolen during my last move while active duty. My favorite knife was a William Henry auto. As I rebuild my collection, my favorite knife is my Sebenza. I have never had a fixed blade for EDC. I was issued some type of bayonette as well as a wooden handle 'survival knife'--both in the stolen safe.

EDIT: I wanted to add a 'thank you' for doing this GAW and wish everyone good luck!
Really sorry about this! Sometimes people suck beyond words... very refreshing to see you taking it in stride and moving forward! Thank you for your service Major.