**WINNER** 2014 Year End GAW

Thanks for the heads up... Your second shot # is 918... Thanks for participating in the Design thread as well!

Thanks Ryan :D

And your more than welcome, its pretty awesome to get a chance to help encourage the design for the GAW.

Quick question though, for the people that dont win, will there still be opportunity to order one of the winning designs?
Sog x-ray vision is what lives in my pocket day in and out, the old version running ast-34 steel. Pick a number for me ryan, it's gabe!
I´ll have number #793

My favourite knife for the moment is my Fällkniven S1 with the kydex sheath I made for it.
Wo! Phenomenal nessmuck!

Number 324 please, favorite knife is the one in my hand at the time, but this one is in my hand now:

Fiddleback Forge Nessmuk. Thanks for the chance.
If I can get in id like 429 please bro. My favorite knife is of course the minister that you made. I have no way of posting pics right now. Do you happen to have any of it?
If I can get in id like 429 please bro. My favorite knife is of course the minister that you made. I have no way of posting pics right now. Do you happen to have any of it?

Shawn, wondering when you would join up!! glad to have you here!
Reaching back a little ways for the "MINISTER" One of a kind...

These are the only photos I could find, I believe they were on my computer that was stolen in Mexico.... :mad:

Here is a Butcher knife specifically designed for Shawn as well
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Thanks for posting the pics brother. I love my butcher as well along with the rest of my collection of ryanw blades.
331, I am partial to my busse knives but really like my winkler blades just can't carry while I live in China. ( sorry no pics )

Thank you for the giveaway!

I'll take number 44.

It's a toss up between the Spyderco Superleaf & Southard

I'd love to be a part of this one!

As I'm sure is the case with many here, it's tough for me to pick a favorite so I'll just go with what I love to beat on the most. Pictured is an MMHW DV8 that I received in trade a couple of years ago. Since then, it's been with me on just about every extended hike, hunt, and overnight I've been on. It's blazed trails, felled small trees, split kindling in my living room, and even beheaded a couple of woodland critter-snacks. Like the Colt Commander it's pictured with, it's not all that pretty, worn-in, and well-used but will likely be around long enough to be my son's favorite someday.

I'll take #280, thanks for the chance!
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Ryan - Beautiful work you do. Thanks for putting on your annual giveaway! Attached is a photo of my favorite knife. This was a gift from my pops many years ago made from his good friend Randy Lee in St. Johns AZ. ATS 34 SS, nickel silver, with CA Buckeye. Love the mirror finish. Randy does some exquisite work. I live down the road in Riverton and am just starting my own shop here. Would love to come up and see you work sometime if possible!!

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How about 542? I love the work you do. My favorite knife? Hard one… It has to be a fixed blade and I like so many makers. I would have to say it is still the first that was made for me from the ground up by the maker himself… Jared Oeser. It is a Ironwood burl EDC MUK.


It has been a little while since we hand anyone join up here... I have been busy on all fronts and will take some time to update the numbers and who has an extra Chance due to succesfully putting the info in thier signature! I will get them updated tonight

Thanks everyone that is participating I hope this becomes something everyone looks forward to each year. I will most likely add some additional small items (Skeleton Necker, T Shirts, Hats, Patches, etc.... ) as consolation prizes to raffle off as well.
#392 please.

Not the most practical nor most useful knife that I have, but it's just too damn sexy.

If #69 is available I will take it. Current favorite is the Wheeler 3 bar twist in my avatar.
Sorry for the delay... AGAIN! Been having too much fun and too much work! Everyone thank you for participating, those are some great Favorites some of the makers are on my favorite list as well! Love the variety, some are ovbiously used (Lovingly), some have sentimental value, Monitary Value, some are just plain Cool!!!

Try to get to any questions... let me know if I missed any.

driezeinaz - we will definitely have to meet up when we get time, We actually have a get together coming up May 1st. Shoot me a message for details.

Arfropubes (quite the name)- 331 is already taken by ProTourist... you will need to pick another number (PM On its way)