Worst abuse you've done to a knife?

Worst abuse.... probably cutting soil and rocks (or around rocks). I currently use a Condor Bushlore for this purpose (work). I occasionally will dig with a knife in the yard or garden to get a weed or three out. You hit rocks and stuff sometimes during that process. The Bushlore works well for this also.

My Dad always opened cans of beans and so forth hunting with his pocket knife. I've always been afraid or hesitant to do this, but I guess to him it was a lot like my use of the bushore above. If it gets really messed up, replace it.
I've done many bad things to my knives.

My first good knife, my good old ZT 0560, I lent to someone who used it to cut fiberglass-reinforced tape. Blade was super scratched and chipped out. Few months later I used it to split firewood by batoning.

Lent my ZT 0452 to shotgun several beers, and beer got into the pivot and bearings and I didn't clean it out for several days. Also (I don't know why but it was extremely frustrating) rage quit and threw it at concrete. Cracked the carbon fiber almost in half and crushed the detent. Still used it for 3 months before sending it in to ZT

Most recently, I used my WEknife 601 to cut up a bunch of sandpaper. Obviously it totally destroyed the edge, but I was impressed how long it held up for.
I Don't have a pic, but everybody at work knows I'm a knife nut and one guy brought me his Gerber tanto with about 1/2" of the tip broke off. He said, can you fix this? I said, geez, what the heck did you use it for, a pry bar? He said his daughter wrecked her car, totaled it, he went to the impound yard with her to get her belongings and needed to get her plates off the vehicle. So the tanto became a screwdriver.
I fixed it but she was a tad shorter.