A lighthearted question. :)

So, you were the original creator of "The Flaming Homer." Except, I guess you never fell onto the secret, Krusty brand Cough Syrup, and fire.

I would have to go with the 18" AK. I guess I owe the knife something soft to cut.

bobwill, The Evil Dead rules!

By the way which one's Pink?
The Evil Dead was a great movie! Could I get a 25" Kobra that would attatch directly to the stump of my arm? What was the name of the other zombie movie? It was color and I remember part of it being in a shopping mall. It ended with a bunch of rednecks out on some farm mowing down zombies with rifles, burning them in big bonfires and swilling lots of beer. My kind of guys! It was filmed out near Pittsburgh. Some of my old college buddies and one of my old Sergants were extras in it. Night of the Living Dead? What a classic!
Personally I'd rather have a katana or a Tarwar but if we're just sticking to khukuries I think I'd like a 25" Gelbu Special with a little extra fuller for weight reduction. I've severed deer heads with my Ang Kohla and sometimes it takes 2 tries. You need something with a bit more schwoop!

[This message has been edited by Jaeger (edited 03-28-2001).]

Ya'll remember that some of them ghouls is my relatives. I can spot a fellow Transylvanian anytime, anywhere! Just something in the blood.

"Ayo Ghorapani!"

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 03-28-2001).]
I'd probably grab my deadly Kagas Katne with silver bolster and anointed with Kama Sutra Khukuri oil and do battle with the undead... speaking of which...where is that Vampire Gerbil to inject a bit of levity....


"I'm out there Jerry, and loving every minute of it!" Kramer....
Cool question! FOr a Khukuri, my 20" Sirupati and my 18" Gelbu Special. Very light blades, but I still got the needed reach. My Barong would also be a candidate. As for a sword, my Michael Bell forged cable Katana would be a choice.

Could we include a firearm??? My pick would be my Ruger MK 2 , .22 pistol. Really accurate for head shots and you can carry tons of ammo!

[This message has been edited by Broken Arrow (edited 03-28-2001).]
You big dummy! Kama Sutra oil is used on WOMEN!Not K's,you're getting kinky "AGAIN "aren't you??Koz, Koz,tsk!
You & Vince need help!Ask Vince about the fantastic shot he made hog hunting this past week!20',BACK OF TRUCK, HIT & KILLED,"ONE SHOT" A LARGE "RUNNING"HOG!Nice right? Oh yeah,he did it with a "Glock 40cal. pistol!! AND he is more lethel with a K!Scary ain't it?? That's my buddy!!
One more thing! Vince "drew" & shot,
to me he is an "incredable "shootist!All
he said was,"jim, I just got lucky"! Yeah, right!Lucky my ***!He IS that GOOD!I'm sure Vince will invite everyone over for a cookout,ought to be great,if his wonderful wife does the cooking! You see,Vince would starve if HE had to cook,he couldn't even boil water!His kids would rather go to Mcdonalds instead of eating his cooking!
Tsimi, Tsimi!!!! Tsk Tsk.
There ain't nuthin to cookin a hog.
All ya gotta do is build a fire and roll the hog into it and when the skin starts turnin black and splittin open the hog is ready to et.

But of course, if you're a pig skin sota guy that sorta ruins that part of it.
But whay anyone would eat hog skin when thar'es pork shoulder 'n ribs I have no idea, theys jist must be sorta wierd.
And ya talk about shootin ya outta see Barb shootin the Mossberg 500 from the hip and, well believe me ya don't wanna be the target.

Me? I ain't worth a flip with any kind of weapon, but I can use tools purty goot ifen I have to but I'm jist an old man thet's done got soft en lazy.

It sounds like Vince is rilly goot though and ifen he can roll a hog with a .40 cal Glock I don't wanna him shootin at me. And since he's rilly that goot I would be careful how I talked about his cookin Tsimi.


Indin word for lousy hunter.
If I have a choice between Vince shooting me OR me eating HIS cooking!
Let him shoot me it's more humane, no suffering!Stay dogs ,won't touch his cooking either & they NEVER pass up free food!
Actually, Jim, my first choice was to grab you by the ankles and mow the undead down using you as a human scythe.
Your sharp wit would be just the ticket....hehe

When I originally posted the question I was thinking you would only have one. But a number of dual wielders and others have made me contemplate the best combination of weapons.

I would say, a 25" Kobra, a 30" Sirupati, and a 22" Ganga Ram Special.

Which is less technique sensitive, the GRS or the Ang Kohla? By that I mean, which would be easier for an inexprienced newbie to pick up and start hacking effectively with. Also, which one generally works better once you know how to use it?

[This message has been edited by bobwill (edited 03-29-2001).]
Better yet, we could design our very own HI forum zombie-ass-whuppin knife.

Raimi Especiale? Bobwill Zombie Chopper?

And if the kamis thought we were crazy BEFORE . . .
I like it, I personally like the ZAK
Zombie A**-whuppin Knife. It just has a ring to it.

It would need a broad blade, a large prominent fuller, and a very long blade.


*come on, it's almost 11:30, my posts shouldn't be coherent.

[This message has been edited by bobwill (edited 03-28-2001).]

[This message has been edited by bobwill (edited 03-29-2001).]
Yes, but no anti-zombie chopper is ever gonna get off the ground if you let the kamis make the rotor blades.

( Now if that doesn't make Uncle Bill sputter and spit coffee thru his nose, I'm losing my touch. )

"Ayo Ghorapani!"
Broken Arrow,
Any chance of seeing pics of your Bell beauty??? I love what I've seen of his work. I hope to get one, one day. First I need to get one of those $80,000+ a year programming jobs.
As opposed to my part time $7000 a year tech support job that I currently have.
If you have any scanned pics could you email 'em to me at rwillia@annapolis.net ?? I don't think that the HI forum's too appropriate for posting pics of other people's work.

Sorry about the pictures of my Michael Bell Katana. My computer can't handle all the extra stuff to post/scan picture with clarity. You can see the big brother of my Katana (which happens to be owned by my younger brother) at: www.dragonflyforge.com. It is under the Katana pictures. It is the last picture / bottom of the page. My brother's Katana is a little bit longer and heavier, and the tsuba is very different. One of Japan's living National tresure / swordsmith Yoshindo Yoshihara actually held my Katana and critiqued it. He thought it was made by a Japanese smith. He was surprised that an American can make the whole sword, not just the blade like in Japan. There are experts that specialize in each part that makes a complete sword.

Also, I'm in the process of trying to get my friend Ichiro Nagata- Photographer/Photo Editor of Guns, Handgunner, and a variety of Japanese gun mags to take detailed picture of my Michael Bell sword and a couple of his other works. Hopefully then many more will see what my friend can do.