A lighthearted question. :)

Hmmm.. if I were stuck in either Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, or Army of Darkness ("Medieval Dead"), I think I'd want my 20" Sirupati and 15" AK. Both are light and short enough to swing at lots of rotting ghouls. The AK should be good for spine-severing, as well, since that is a concern. My 30" Kobra is tempting but I'm guessing it'd tire me out pretty fast, and then I'd collapse and they'd eaat my braiiinss...
"His kids would rather go to Mcdonalds instead of eating his cooking!"

I don't know if that proves much; I'm afraid most kids would rather go to McDonald's than eat home cooking ... but it reminds me of a time a five-year-old watched me cook a meal ...we were talking the whole time while I cooked, but he seemed fascinated watching me cut up potatoes to make french fries (with a Brusletto puukko ... I knew you'd want to know).

He wouldn't eat them though. His mother asked him why he wasn't eating any french fries and he said, "I only like real french fries." His mother assured him they were real french fries ... I reminded him he'd watched me make them -- of course they were real ... but he said, "No they're not -- those aren't real french fries like at McDonald's -- those are made from potatoes!"

-Cougar :{)
Use of Weapons
I'm gonna duck in here and proclaim the HI Kothimoda katana as my zombie dicing blade of choice. It has a keen balance that'd make slicing that 1000th ghoul as easy as the first. 'Course, I'd also wanna have a BOOMstick!

"It's a 12 gauge double barreled Remington, S-mart's top of the line....Shop smart. Shop S-Mart"


Sorry I missed you and the gang a few weeks ago at the Konvention, Uncle Bill.


[This message has been edited by chetchat (edited 03-31-2001).]
A knife is a tool...
I'd utilize my AK to make as many traps ans/or barricades as possible. The simplest and basic traps will work quite well on zonmies. Any trap will do for that purpose.

Hey, remember, their eyes and brains are all rotten!

\(^o^)/ Mizutani Satoshi \(^o^)/