After Sale Lounge

Very nice pickup Kyle, grats :thumbsup:

Some of us have been in similar kinda situations either circling as sharks or as the attack shark, so I certainly understand the time it takes to secure the proverbial deal as being the most anxious time ;)

no kidding! Thank you very much. I’m pumped to see if this thing is going to live in the safe or ride on my 3-gun belt where my UF is currently residing. (Gotta see the oohs and ahhs the UF gets now)
I have a checking account where I put all my excess money for “fun purchases”.
The balance somehow hovers around $0 consistently.

Hmm! How about a small business loan through your bank due to this COVID-19? Technically speaking, it is supposed to be for YOUR small business but Nathan also owns a small business, so who's gonna be splitting hairs among friends for such details?! :confused:
Yeah but then he only gets a notification for the 'like' not the 'unlike' and do I really want to put the notion in his head that I 'like' it.

Best I can do is give it five eeks :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

An honor coming from you too Sir.

For those who do not know:

Dave was my first mentor on Blade Forums. I give him lots of earned credit for what I have become on here todate :D