age? and at what age did you.......

Answered a question like this once before. Gets you to thinking about where it all began. Can't really remember when I realized that I liked guns and knives but I do remember that in first grade I wrote that I wanted to go to Africa to go big game hunting. Never made it and never will unless we win the lotto one day before I get too damn old. Anyway, first knife I remember getting was around 8 years old and it was a K-Bar type knife. Can't say for sure it was that brand but it did come from an Air Force base PX and it was a fixed blade with leather washer handle. It went on from there and I cannot remember not having a knife or more since then. As I remember, I was usually the only one of the boys that I would hang around that would always have a pocket knife on me.
I'm 22 now and have been interested in guns and knives since birth. My dad was a gunsmith when I was a kid, so it was pretty natural. I got my first knife when I was 5 or 6, but didn't really get interested until I was 14. I started working on a Christmas tree farm and needed a good knife. I had the standard junk knives for about a year and then picked up a Spyderco Rescue from Smoky Mountain for $25. Then it was a Harpy and a Native and now I have about 25 decent production knives and 1 custom. I keep telling myself it'll end somewhere, I just can't figure out when.

I've also managed to get all of my family and a few good friends interested. I've caused people to buy at least 15 good knives from Spyderco, BM and such. Not too bad.
I remember getting a SAK that my mom had, the Tinker I think it is, the smallest one, when I was probably 6 or 7. I lost that knife on a camping trip a while after I got it, I wish I still had it.

I turn 17 this coming January, and I got really infected with the knife virus around age 14 or 15.
Close enough to say 18. I was 6 or 7 when I got my first knife. A SAK, for Christmas, that I still have and at times carry. I started collecting not too long after that, mostly slipjoints. I was 12 or 13 when I got my first balisong and I've been hooked on them since.
I am 60, about to be 61 next month. I got my first knife, a Barlow, when my brother passed it along to me after he got the very first Swiss Army Knife that I ever saw for Christmas of 1949, just after I turned 7. My real fascination with knives started then, but really took off with the "Jim Bowie Show" on TV and with the film, The Iron Mistress, very loosely about Jim Bowie and his knife.
5 years old...ahh what a fine year that was, mother bought us all sharp little folding pocket knives, My older Bro. was 7, my younger was 4.

I am now twenty something. My how time flies.

Mother also took me and my bro. shooting when I was eight.

Thanks mom.:)
I'm 46 in two weeks. I can remember my Dad having a small display of cheap folders in his drugstore. I couldn't have been but 7 or 8 at the time, but I saved up and bought this really tacky doctor's knife with a long slim blade, 'cause I thought it looked like a a switchblade.
I was hot $hit for a few days 'till the blade became so wobbly I threw it away.

Man, that takes me back....
I am 36, I remember when I was about 6 clipping an ad out of a comic book, it was to sell little packages of flower and vegatable seeds to win prizes....guess what I got at the end of the summer, much to my mothers dismay! It was a large bowie knife, with a plastic handle with a picture of a large buck on it...I still have it :)
I live a lifestyle where a knife is in constant use but never had very good ones. I bought a shrade trapper for 30 bucks a couple of months ago made it dull and came here to ask what I should use to sharpen it. I am 26 and have been a knifeaholic since that day.
<----- registered 10-06-03

As I stood in front of her last night with no thumb prints, perfectly shaved patches of hair on my left arm and black snot dripping out of my nose, and smell'n like burning horns my girlfriend said the classic line..."your not the same person anymore." ... no $#!+
I'm 30... but my memory of my youth is a little hazy. It seems to me that I was always fascinated by knives-- it went along with my adventurous imagination. I can't remember where or when I got my first knife but I do remember lugging around an assortment of folders in my pocket when I was 9-10. Around 13 my grandpa gave me an old tru-bal thrower. I still have it, but it finally snapped last year. I just love the power and grace of a good cutting edge.
I'm 24 and it all started when I was about 7. Dad bought me my first knife, a small Buck folder. After that I would occasionally buy knives when I had the money or when others offered to buy them for me. By the time I was 11 or so I had my first little Buck, a Buck 110, a 4 or 5" fixed blade Buck, a Gerber Gator folder and a couple of Schrades. At the time, the extent of my knife knowledge was gained from the local Wal-Mart knife counter and nothing more. After that I started reading Blade and Tactical Knives magazine (much to my parents horror :)) I gradually started buying nicer knives. Went through a period in high school were the interest wained, but for the last few years it's been in full swing again.
I'm 29. I got my first knife when I was about 6. I have collected knives ever since.

I remember going to gun shows when I was very young and my parents would always buy me a knife. My Mom and Dad are truly cool parents! I remember one time when I was 9 or 10, me and my brother were playing mumbledy peg with a folding fishing knife (ouch!), and I accidentally stuck it through my foot! My Dad just put some iodine on it, wrapped it with tape (I think it was electrical tape), and said "there ya go, good as new... now be careful!" Told ya they were cool!

Over my 29 years, I have owned a CRAPLOAD of knives. Right now I'm kinda stuck on actually using my knives, so whatever doesn't get used, gets sold.
I'm 52, and have had an interest and collection of knives for as long as I can remember. This is how old I am: As a cub scout, we would wear our uniforms to school on days our Den met. Of course we had our little Scout knives/ KampKings snapped right on the belt clip, for all the world to see.

Now I'm sounding like an old guy: Can you imagine a kid being able to do that now? It's crazy, all the really bad kids simply keep a 9mm in their backpacks.