Arm hair removal!

Not only am I guilty of this, I try to get others to do it too. "Go on, see how sharp my knife is" and usually they do :)

If I'm really trying for as sharp as I can get (I'm no expert but I try) I will try shaving a bit of chin stubble. Can really feel for a high level of sharpness like that I find. And it only looks funny 'til I next shave.
I got my boss to shave some arm hair. He's been talking about it ever since.
"better than my mach 3! "
I tried this on my leg hair when I first got my knife, and that was the one and only time... I prefer to stick with purpose-made blades for hair removal. Then again, I expect to beat on my knife, so I'd rather have it a bit more durable vs razor sharp... I've got a utility knife with replaceable blades for that purpose. ;)

Kinda funny though; I didn't even know this was a thing until I got onto the forum.
No hair left except my crotch. Hmm may have to try out the Schempp Rock there.
I have stepped up my game, I just pluck a hair off my dog and see if I carve it:D

Don't worry, he sheds very easily...:p