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Did I miss the infamous "land sale"??:D
Sadly, yes - you missed it. :D The "land sale" "closed" almost one year ago, 10-04-06. As Art said in his post back then:

ARtsig1 said:
This land sale is no figment of the imagination, and I only ask for patience....which I'm aware I probably don't deserve......because EVERYONE WILL BE PAID. That's the bottom line from your pal and comrade, the POS....uh, I mean Art! Hey, sticks and stones..........you know the drill.
So, just be patient, he says everyone will be paid! :rolleyes: It has only been a year.

ARtsig1 said:
So please do keep this post bumped to the top so that all can see when it has been resolved.
OK!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
i would imagine even if there was a land deal the $$ is long gone by now.

folks with substance abuse problems arent usually into saving money for tomorrow they wanna party today.

of course the whole thing coulda been as phony as oliver plomions gendarme uniform.

do hope it works out for you guys.........
So, when was it that Art was going to start distributing that money from the land sale? That final paperwork sure seems to be taking a long time. :rolleyes:
word is hes still awaiting wire transfers from his off shore caymens accts:jerkit: that 10% is compounding....I think we should file a class action suit to leverage Arts assets:thumbup: :) OH wait...cant file a lein on a crack pipe and burnt spoon:rolleyes: , sorry sucks for us:thumbdn: :mad:
"Tats of a life long hobby"

How fitting!!!

One hobby that will hunt him for a life time and hopefully find him one day.

Then it shall be 2X4 time!!!!
Here's his tat thread which I find amusing. If you see someone sporting those be sure to post here :D
Just by chance, I did see him the other day. The tattoo is covered up in this picture but it's him alright... :D
