Becker Photo Scavenger Hunt


A Becker and a Turkey, wild or domestic/ live or dead, but it must be whole.
I know a few people who definitely qualify as turkeys. But I wouldn't let them anywhere near my Beckers.
Too bad I didn't know that turkeys with a Becker would pop up, me and my dad caught one in a coyote snare one time, got him out and held him for a photo shoot then let him loose and he flew off.

Of course this was before I even knew about bladeforums lol
Well, that was about 2 turkeys! And a bunch of chickens lol

I'll say a Becker and a banjo...
I think he wants the whole banjo, not just the pick.
Better go with the banjo in the attic... know...

Gotta love it!
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I have a neighbor that used to have a rat terrior, and I have a friend with a "Jack Russell Terrorist". The best I can offer is a Weimaraner.
You stumped the thread Noswad, lol, that means you have to post the request yourself then add a different one