Biggest baddest GECs? (and a cover question)

They do spend a lot of time matching stag, but also have various criteria they use to match as well. Thickness may be one, but probably not the most important to most people. Grab you a couple hundred pieces of stag and start matching them on a table.... The first half goes pretty fast, but after that you want to pull your hair out!

Powderhorn, 23 liner lock, and 15 Charlow for size comparison...

23 with a 68 Pony Jack for comparison...

Buck 110 (slightly modified), 23, and 73 for size comparison...

The 23 is an awesome large folder, a tad lighter than a stock 110, and at least on mine, the liner lock is exceptionally well done. Very secure lockup and the half stop allows safe dis engagement and closing.

As for the stag question, it can be pretty common with some makers to see widely varying thicknesses and even texture matching's on a run of knives. What may please one person may be a total turn off for another...stag can be funny like that...
I only have a 73, so this might not be entirely applicable. The pile side cover is definitely thicker than the mark side, but not unduly so. It's more hand filling than anything, at least for a right-handed person.


- Christian
Here's a size comparison between ebony folders. Top to bottom, #12, #15, #16, #23, #33, #53, #66, #68, #72, #85 and #92.

Thickness of stag can vary and make the knife thicker than bone or wood. Here's the #92, similar to the last knife above, but you can see this stag is very thick (and uniform). I don't have a direct shot between the wood and stag but you can kinda tell.

And here are 2 of the fixed blades. They can also be thick or thin. The smaller one has a very round shape. I got a second H73 with thinner stag but don't have a spine shot.
Now I want a single blade ebony Pioneer...
I have both the slip joint and LL #23s in ebony with the lanyard hole and they both came razor sharp and have mild pulls. Its a great hand filling slicer!!