Club Platinum,,,,,,2010 ,, vol .. 2

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Peppercorn hangin with the stars! I'm not into WWE, but I am glad to hear they are cool fellas. That is especially nice for your son.

I'm sorry to hear about the fallen officer Pauli. May his family find a new way.

Guyon...hopefully the start of your trip was a beauty. I was hammered by rain and low 40's weather for the duration of a 7 day canoe trip I took in the Boundary Waters last spring. Nothing like cold and soaked gear to test your will. I hope the bad weather holds off your the rest of your trip. Enjoy.
It's being a nice day, finally got to put back the "edge" in my necker...

Nick went back to work full duty yesterday!! I've known it was coming for about a week, but wanted to make sure before I posted anything. As I mentioned before, a couple of Hortonites went out of their way to hook Nick up with a bedc and a strop bat. The bedc has been at Okuden for quite a while getting a sheath made so Nick can carry it at work. As I said before, he doesn't get it until he suits up again, which should be in a few weeks. Here's some pics of Nick's bedc and Okuden sheath, along with my edc. Thanks again guys, that was totally unnecessary, but much appreciated.:thumbup:



looks like the gimps closin in on a school.........boys gonna get himself on a list somewhere...
Me and hipboots finalized the deal for the rights to the Gimp and the Fantasy Line, the Gimp got Bud Ice and all is well,.. For now,,

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