Cold steel 2014

I really dig the new 1917 Hybrid Cutlass. I almost bought the standard 1917 Cutlass about 6 months ago but now I'm glad I held back. This is mo bedda. Shiver me timbers.
Upnorth I guess it depends on what you are interested in. Last year we released a lot of new folders as well as many additions to existing series (larger and smaller versions of the Recon etc). This year is most certainly the year of the sword.
We make a lot more than just knives, and while knives will always remain our first love, we have a huge following of people that enjoy our swords, spears, axes and other more diverse items.

I would agree , but the CS Knife Crowd has been pretty clear , Here, on FB and on CSF that everyone's hoping for some folders with slightly more exotic steels or even just SM3. Everyones thrilled with the WC Tanto , and I'm sure the new large one will be a big hit. But all we have seen for folders (so far) this year is just some of the old stuff with stonewashed blades instead of bead blast. And while that's a great upgrade to your knives , I hardly think it was worth the grandiose announcement with the 2014 lineup. We all have known for awhile now that this has been a rolling production change. To me it just feels like CS is trying to fill out the 2014 lineup because theres nothing else coming...

Maybe I'm just crying over nothing , I mean the whole lineup hasn't even been announced yet , but with the exception of the WC Tanto I was let down last year , and so far this year it looks to be more of the same.

FWIW I'm buying two of the Large WC Tantos when they hit the shelves at warriors and wonders.

I should add that I think the Large WC Tanto is a great add to the CS lineup , it will definitely take some demand off of the Magnum Tanto XII.. I don't think Japan is producing the SM3 stuff like they were before the tsunami.
Upnorth I guess it depends on what you are interested in. Last year we released a lot of new folders as well as many additions to existing series (larger and smaller versions of the Recon etc). This year is most certainly the year of the sword.
We make a lot more than just knives, and while knives will always remain our first love, we have a huge following of people that enjoy our swords, spears, axes and other more diverse items.

I enjoy swords well enough, but the thing is...I can carry a folder every single day, pretty much everywhere I go if I so desire. They are useful tools, even if you never need to protect yourself with one. OTOH, I can carry a my backyard. That's pretty much it, and there's not really much you can do with them other than pretend you're a pirate or knight or Blade or whatever and slice up watermelons and milk jugs. Fun, sure, but pretty limited in actual practical use. Yeah, if anyone ever breaks in my house I suppose I could use it for self-defense, but frankly, if someone breaks in my house I'm more likely to reach for my .40 than I am a sword.

Just hope we'll see a few more...usable items this year, rather than just stuff for the backyard roleplayers.
I enjoy swords well enough, but the thing is...I can carry a folder every single day, pretty much everywhere I go if I so desire. They are useful tools, even if you never need to protect yourself with one. OTOH, I can carry a my backyard. That's pretty much it, and there's not really much you can do with them other than pretend you're a pirate or knight or Blade or whatever and slice up watermelons and milk jugs. Fun, sure, but pretty limited in actual practical use. Yeah, if anyone ever breaks in my house I suppose I could use it for self-defense, but frankly, if someone breaks in my house I'm more likely to reach for my .40 than I am a sword.

Just hope we'll see a few more...usable items this year, rather than just stuff for the backyard roleplayers.

Totally agree with this sentiment. While the swords are, for lack of better words, awesome and cool, and the "unique" "special projects" items really are a cornerstone to Cold Steel, it is their hands down best-in-the-business (well not best steel) but best designed and produced, FOLDING KNIVES that keep me a Cold Steel fan. Throw on some S30V to their folding knives and BOOM, there will be no other better produced knives on the planet. Not that their AUS8a is a slouch, but it is the misconception of inferior steel that keeps a lot of people away from Cold Steel.

Heck, I don't mind having to sharpen AUS8a more often then my other higher steel blades, it is not the steel that keeps me coming back to Cold Steel but their superior designed knives that do. I like variety and that is why I EDC a MiniAK47, Large Clip-Point Recon 1 and a Kudu all together each and everyday (with an American Lawman thrown in their once is a while). So bring on the folding knives! Yeah Buddy!
Upnorth I guess it depends on what you are interested in. Last year we released a lot of new folders as well as many additions to existing series (larger and smaller versions of the Recon etc). This year is most certainly the year of the sword.
We make a lot more than just knives, and while knives will always remain our first love, we have a huge following of people that enjoy our swords, spears, axes and other more diverse items.

Are you saying that there are NO NEW folders being released this year?
This year is all about the fixed blades and the swords, spears, machetes etc. that make up the rest of our diverse catalog.
We have a lot of new folder projects in development (there are at least 8 that I know of, and many more in advanced prototyping) but they are not scheduled for release this year to my knowledge.
I know last year was a big year for us with folders, but this year is the year of the sword
This year is all about the fixed blades and the swords, spears, machetes etc. that make up the rest of our diverse catalog.
We have a lot of new folder projects in development (there are at least 8 that I know of, and many more in advanced prototyping) but they are not scheduled for release this year to my knowledge.
I know last year was a big year for us with folders, but this year is the year of the sword

I love swords, but have no reason to own them. I respect your business approach and therefore your decision to not introduce any new folders. Still, I am disappointed. Looking forward to when those ones in development are released.
This year is all about the fixed blades and the swords, spears, machetes etc. that make up the rest of our diverse catalog.
We have a lot of new folder projects in development (there are at least 8 that I know of, and many more in advanced prototyping) but they are not scheduled for release this year to my knowledge.
I know last year was a big year for us with folders, but this year is the year of the sword


I'll remain a loyal fan, but I don't see any new CS purchases in my immediate future.
Kind of disappointed. Was waiting for new folders. But maybe I´ll pick up a sword for once. Would be kind of cool to have and at a lower price it is hard to say no.
The Counter Point XL could be considered a 2014 model. We just got a reeeeaaaalllly early sneak peek at it. :D
This year is all about the fixed blades and the swords, spears, machetes etc. that make up the rest of our diverse catalog.
We have a lot of new folder projects in development (there are at least 8 that I know of, and many more in advanced prototyping) but they are not scheduled for release this year to my knowledge.
I know last year was a big year for us with folders, but this year is the year of the sword

Disappointing. I guess this is the year of me not buying Cold Steel, as well. I'll pick up the Eland, and maybe some machetes if you have more to release than that garden one, but beyond that, looks like Kai and Condor will be getting most of my blade money this year. I don't own any ZT blades yet, maybe this will be the year for it.
Pole arms......... always make me smile!

I have been fighting the urge to buy a Talwar, because I don't "need" it. May have to pick up a halberd.
I know a lot of Cold Steel fans may be disappointed but LET'S KEEP IT CIVIL here. I find it a little disrespectful for people to say to a company that their current line up sucks, or that they are disappointed in the direction the company is going.

Let's take a step back here and think about it for a second. Do you really want Cold Steel just to keep pumping out new folders as fast as they can? I have seen other knife companies do that and really and the designs and production of the knives suffer that way. I would rather a company take their time and really invest effort and thought into an individual knife, and yes even if that means it will take a while to come out. Think of the Recon 1 and how much it has advanced in its current iteration. They never abandoned that model but kept improving it into the awesomeness that it is today. Had they just ignored innovation and well thought out products and just kept pumping out new sub-standard knife models Cold Steel would not be the awesome company they are today. While I may be a little disappointed that no new folders came out this year (yes I know the Enland did).

I am quite glad as it gives me more time to focus on my favorite models the MiniAK47, Recon 1, and American Lawman. Plus the money I was going to use buying myself another knife (that I don't actually need). I can save up and buy someone a knife that needs it (my father-in-law - really wants a Cold Steel LeatherNeck Semper Fi). So remember, there is a good reason that you may be disappointed. They are taking their time to create well thought-out and designed knives. So again, let's keep it CIVIL.
I know a lot of Cold Steel fans may be disappointed but LET'S KEEP IT CIVIL here. I find it a little disrespectful for people to say to a company that their current line up sucks, or that they are disappointed in the direction the company is going.

I understand your point and agree that the discussion should be kept civil. However, I disagree that no one should express their disappointment with the new 2014 models here. One of the reasons for a manufacturer sponsored forum like this to exist is to allow the manufacturer to engage their client base and for customer opinions to be heard. Those of us disappointed in the new products for 2014 should be able to express that feeling as long as we do it in a civil and respectful way.

Let's take a step back here and think about it for a second. Do you really want Cold Steel just to keep pumping out new folders as fast as they can? I have seen other knife companies do that and really and the designs and production of the knives suffer that way. I would rather a company take their time and really invest effort and thought into an individual knife, and yes even if that means it will take a while to come out. Think of the Recon 1 and how much it has advanced in its current iteration. They never abandoned that model but kept improving it into the awesomeness that it is today. Had they just ignored innovation and well thought out products and just kept pumping out new sub-standard knife models Cold Steel would not be the awesome company they are today. While I may be a little disappointed that no new folders came out this year (yes I know the Enland did).

I also don't think anyone here has expressed interest in Cold Steel churning out sub-standard products or implied that they are ignoring innovation. The new products they've announced are great if you're into that sort of thing. The disappointment is with the fact that Cold Steel has (for the first time in my memory) let a year go by that seems to have turned a blind eye to what would seem to be their most successful product category. I, like many others, love Cold Steel folding knives and fixed blades. I don't own any of their other products (one exception is a Brooklyn Crusher that I keep in my car). The small selection of fixed blades this year has left me underwhelmed and the absence of folders from the new line-up was a disappointing surprise. It's just a bit of a painful shock to know that I now have 12 full months to wait before I can be excited about the new product offerings of one of my favorite companies. All the other years I've been a fan of Cold Steel I had new products to drool over for the next 6-9 months until they are released and then 3-6 months to wait for the new product announcements. This year I get to spend the entire 12 months with nothing to be excited about (unfortunately, I own all of the previous items that have been on my wish list).
I know a lot of Cold Steel fans may be disappointed but LET'S KEEP IT CIVIL here. I find it a little disrespectful for people to say to a company that their current line up sucks, or that they are disappointed in the direction the company is going.

The company exists because of people buying their product. If people are unhappy with the direction of the company and the products they are releasing, it not only is not disrespectful to say so, it is very much something they SHOULD do IMO. Okay, I'm not sure "this lineup sucks!" is the best way to express it, but the comments from people like MaxFisher, Kakefat, Allhss, etc certainly don't strike me as disrespectful. I'm not saying I'll never buy CS again or anything like that, I'm simply expressing disappointment that a company I usually look forward to buying from(I own a lot of CS, in fact, CS was the first company where I spent over $100 on a single blade) isn't putting out really anything I'm likely to buy this year.
Thats just the thing. CS fans arent looking for a wider variety if folders. Code4 sales reflect this. People (myself included) are looking for updated versions of old favorites with fancier steels.

This year i was expectting 2 or 3 additions to the warcraft series and maybe a voyager or recon1 to be offered in a more modern steel. It would have been the next logical step following last years releases.

As far as swords go i think that CS kind of shot themselves in the foot. Not everyones gonna buy 2 or 3 swords. So people are going to look and see that its the same sword for a lower cost and just go for the MAA series. The main lineup is standing in line to take a big hit in sales. The market just is not large enough for both. IMO

Not trying to be rude at all. Sharing my opinion with fellow knifenutz and CS fans. I mean the whole 2014 lineup hasnt even been confirmed yet so everything Ive just said stands to be refuted. But as things currently sit i dont see any big mivea coming from CS.
Thats just the thing. CS fans arent looking for a wider variety if folders. Code4 sales reflect this. People (myself included) are looking for updated versions of old favorites with fancier steels.

This year i was expectting 2 or 3 additions to the warcraft series and maybe a voyager or recon1 to be offered in a more modern steel. It would have been the next logical step following last years releases.

As far as swords go i think that CS kind of shot themselves in the foot. Not everyones gonna buy 2 or 3 swords. So people are going to look and see that its the same sword for a lower cost and just go for the MAA series. The main lineup is standing in line to take a big hit in sales. The market just is not large enough for both. IMO

Not trying to be rude at all. Sharing my opinion with fellow knifenutz and CS fans. I mean the whole 2014 lineup hasnt even been confirmed yet so everything Ive just said stands to be refuted. But as things currently sit i dont see any big mivea coming from CS.